




1.别人的情妇 ... DEX 灵巧 QUI 速度 MND 精神 ...

3.快速(Quick) ... NEA( 最近点) QUI快速) APP( 外观交点) ...

4.静止 whi 危 * qui 静止 * to 向 * ...

5.鼽 que4= 确 却 雀 鹊 阙 榷 阕 悫 qui2= qun1= 逡 ...


1.Qui-Gon shook his head. "Let's disembark, " he decided. "It will do us good to stretch our legs. And I bet you could use some decent food. "魁刚摇摇头,“我们上岸吧,”他作出决定,“去伸伸腿也好,而且我打赌你能找到些好吃的来享用。”

2.Months had passed since the incident, and Qui-Gon felt the memory as fresh as if it had happened yesterday.事情过去好几个月了,可魁刚感觉这段记忆鲜活得就像发生在昨天。

3.Gog stood up. His face was tired and he looked ill. "Be qui-et! " he said. "Guards! Take her away. Back to 888. "高格站起身。他面色疲惫,憔悴不堪。“住嘴!”他喊着,“卫兵!把她带走。带回888号监狱去。”

4.When he departed with Qui-Gon to proceed with his Jedi training, Anakin was forced to leave his mother behind.当阿纳金跟随奎冈开始绝地武士训练之路时,他被迫将母亲留在了塔图因。

5.Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan used their pghtsabers to break through the door. Immediately, a red pght began to pulse.魁刚和欧比万用光剑强行打开大门,一道红色的光线开始闪烁。

6.Qui-Gon was beginning to wonder if he was wrong, and Cipa would not contact them.魁刚开始怀疑他是否想错了,Cipa也许根本不会联系他们。

7.Obi-Wan sat beside him now, but Qui-Gon did not feel the old harmony between them.欧比万正坐在一旁,但魁刚感觉不到往常两人之间和谐的氛围。

8.Obi - Wan closed his eyes and drew on the force as Qui -Gon 's words echoed through his memory.奥比万闭上眼睛,开始召唤原力,魁刚的声音在他记忆里回响。

9.There came a silence so long that Obi-Wan wondered if Qui-Gon had fallen asleep. Then his voice rose out of the darkness, soft and deep.又是一阵长久的沉默,以至于欧比万怀疑魁刚是否睡着了。随后,魁刚的声音从黑暗中传来,柔软而低沉。

10.Qui-Gon knew they were being threatened. "Jedi are used to trouble, " he said.魁刚知道他们被威胁了,“绝地不怕麻烦,”他还击道。