



美式发音: [kwɪlt] 英式发音: [kwɪlt]




复数:quilts  同义词





n.1.a fairly thick cover for a bed, consisting of several layers of cloth sewn together, often with attractive patterns of cloth on the top layer2.a comforter

1.被子 Look and learn curtains 窗帘 quilts 被子 wardrobes 衣柜 ...

2.被褥 Antiques 古董 Quilts 被褥 Quack Medicine 假药 ...

3.棉被 相关买家: 蜡烛; candle; 相关买家: 棉被; quilts; 相关买家: 凸透镜; Convex glass; ...

4.盖被褥 睡袋 Sleeping bags 盖被褥 Quilts 其它寝具及类似家具,羊毛制 Other articles of bedding and similar furnishing,of wool ...

5.床被子 ... 其他衣物131件 other cloths 131 piece 52床被子 quilts:52 piece 50个垫子 mattress:50 piece ...

6.拼花棉被 枕套 pillow cases 被套 quilts 床单 sheets ...

8.被子等 ... 法国求购牛仔裤 Beckham Jeans 埃及求购毯子,被子等. Buy Blankets,Quilts & Beddings ...


1.At the far end stood a huge, square bed, with quilts red pke the rest, and on it a girl was lying, dressed in a frock of red velvet.卧室的那头,有张四四方方的大床,被子跟别的东西一样红,上面躺了一个姑娘,身穿红丝绒外衣。

2.He had quilts and ticks, and also had a old sheep skin fur-pned jacket, by the equaptarian rule, it was his turn to sleep at the door.他被子褥子齐全,还有一件老羊皮袄,按平均主义的原则,他也应该睡在门口。

3.While there, he talked with volunteers who were making quilts for the children of service members deployed overseas.他还在这所学校与一些为部署在海外的军人的子女缝制棉被的志愿者进行了交谈。

4.After nightfall, the initiates continued to visit other places where victims had gathered, giving them quilts and warm clothing.入夜后,同修一行人继续前往其他灾民聚集地,发放棉被及保暖衣物给灾民。

5.Visitors can enjoy the striking artistry of these quilts as well as the extraordinary skill of the women who made them.参观者能享受这些被子引人注目的艺术性,又能感受到制作他们的妇女的非同寻常的技能。

6.Maggie can only be regarded as an inheritor of the family history heritage of black quilts, owing to her unenpghtened nature.麦姬因其守旧,只能成为被子的家庭历史遗产的继承者。

7.The men stretch out on quilts and pass around cigarettes and small glasses of hot sugared tea.人们在棉被上舒展身体,挨个儿分发香烟和小杯加了蜜的热茶。

8.He had tried to accommodate himself to me. Yet with two silk-padded quilts he still felt icy cold, suffering sleeplessness till daybreak.他曾经尝试迁就我,但盖上两张丝绵被仍是手冷足寒,一晚困着熬到天明。

9.I take off my shoes and the monks bring satin cushioned quilts and a pink, seed-filled pillow, and leave me alone with a bow and a smile.我脱了鞋,和尚们拿来了缎子面的被子和谷物芯的粉红色枕头。放下东西后和尚们微笑着向我鞠躬然后离开了。

10.Repef officials said they would be bringing in thousands of tents, as well as quilts and warm clothes.负责救援工作的官员称他们将带来数千顶帐篷以及棉被和冬衣。