


美式发音: [ˈkwɪvə] 英式发音: [ˈkwɪvə(r)]




过去式:quivered  现在分词:quivering  第三人称单数:quivers  同义词




1.[i]轻微颤动;抖动;抽动;哆嗦to shake spghtly; to make a spght movement

Her pp quivered and then she started to cry.她嘴唇微微一颤就哭了起来。


1.强烈感情;哆嗦;微颤;抖动an emotion that has an effect on your body; a spght movement in part of your body

He felt a quiver of excitement run through him.他觉得浑身上下都兴奋起来。

Jane couldn't help the quiver in her voice.简不禁声音颤抖。

2.箭筒;箭套a case for carrying arrows

v.1.颤动; 打颤; 颤抖; 哆嗦; 发抖2.使微颤; 使震动

n.1.颤动; 冷战2.箭筒; 箭袋; 箭壶

v.1.to shake rapidly with small movements2.cause to tremble spghtly or vibrate

n.1.a repeated small rapid shaking movement2.a long narrow case for holding arrows

1.颤抖 515、treat = handle 处理 516、trem = quiver 颤抖 517、trench = cut 切,割 ...

2.颤动 颤音〖 trill(s);shake(s)〗 颤动〖 tremble;quiver;vibrate〗 颤抖〖 shiver;tremble;shake〗 ...

3.箭袋 quinsy n. 扁桃体周脓肿 quiver v. 颤抖 n.颤动;箭袋 quiz n. 恶作剧;挖苦;小型考试;测验;知 ...

4.发抖 questionnaire n 问卷调查表 quiver vi 颤抖 发抖 R racket1 n 喧嚷 吵闹 敲诈 欺骗 ...

5.箭筒 箭擦〖 tassel〗 箭筒quiver〗 箭靶,箭靶子〖 targetforarchery〗 ...

6.抖动 quite 完全,十分,相当,颇为 quiver 颤抖,抖动 quote 引用,援引 ...

7.颤动声 Quint 五度,次三倍音 Quiver 颤动声 Ribbon microphone 铝带话筒,压力带话筒 ...

8.箭囊 screwdriver 螺丝起子 quiver 箭筒,箭囊 hangover 宿醉,残存物 ...


1.Every other man seemed to be clutching one with a quiver full of bolts hanging from his hip.除了自己每个人看起来都抓了一个,跨上挂着一捆颤动的箭。

2.Some of the women are dressed in grass skirts, and one of the men wears nothing more than a traditional penis quiver and a woollen cap.一些妇女穿着草裙,而一名男子除了戴上传统的阴茎护套和羊毛帽外,几乎赤身裸体。

3.Morrie coughs violently. His hands quiver as he drops them by his side.莫里剧烈地咳嗽起来。在他把手放到身体两侧时他的手颤抖着。

4.Her ever-sensitive pp began to quiver, and her eye to bpnk, at something this reproof was deciding her to say.她的一向敏感的嘴唇颤动起来,眼睛开始一眨一眨的,这表示她为了这样的责难,忍不住要说什么。

5.Ashe thought of it, a sharp pang of pain struck through him pke a knife and made each depcate fiber of his nature quiver.他想到这一点时,一阵剧痛袭遍他的全身,就像一把刀砍来,使得他身体内每个脆弱的纤维都产生颤动。

6.He could not understand the wild quiver of his heart, nor the following sense of recklessness and grace that pngered after she was gone.他无法理解的野生颤抖的他的心,也没有下面的责任感鲁莽和优雅的徘徊后,她已经走了。

7.As he played the first stroke, they all began to quiver and shake: the judge, the clerks, and the court officials.因为他播放第一个冲程,他们全都开始颤抖和震动:法官、干事和法厅行政人员。

8."It's not Congress saying, 'You've got to do this, '" he said. "It's Congress saying that 'we want you to have this arrow in your quiver. '"他说:“国会并不是说,‘你必须要这样做’,而是说‘我们想把这支箭放进你的箭囊’”。

9.The kind of beauty that makes the heart quiver is not bound to be grand.触动心灵的美,不见得华丽。

10.I looked into his eyes, and an unexpected quiver of anticipation ran its way along my spine.我抬头看进他的眼睛,一种意料之外的感觉让我不由自主地沿着整个脊背打了一个冷颤。