


美式发音: [ˈkwɔrəm] 英式发音: [ˈkwɔːrəm]




n.least,lower pmit,minimum,required number



1.(会议的)法定人数the smallest number of people who must be at a meeting before it can begin or decisions can be made


n.1.the smallest number of people who must be present at a meeting to allow official decisions to be made

1.法定人数 quid pro quo 交换条件,抵偿物 quorum 法定人数 quota system 配额制 ...


4.出席人数 ... 特迪峰 Todi 特选队员 quorum 特通特 Tetunte ...

6.仲裁机制 ... 三、听证进行( Conducting Hearings) 听证法定人数Quorum) 增补工作人员( Supplement…

8.仲裁磁盘我们需要用这个命令建立一个仲裁磁盘(quorum)和一个共享磁盘(share)。(其实完全可以通过图形配置向导实现) D:\Program …


1.The generals seem to be alarmed by the prospect of a low turnout, though the election laws do not require a quorum.军官们看起来有些担心过低的投票率,尽管选举汉没有法定投票人数的规定。

2.Any majority vote of a quorum taken at a business meeting shall constitute a majority for the adoption of any matter.任何一个商业会议上作出的将构成对任何问题的多数通过多数表决的法定人数。

3.The quorum of a Committee meeting shall be any two members of the Committee one of whom must be Independent Non- executive Director .委员会会议之法定人数为两名委员会成员,其中一位必须为独立非执行董事。

4.But for the vote to be vapd, a quorum of at least one-third of the voting rights of shares outstanding is required.但必须有至少三分之一的流通股投票权参与投票,表决结果才能有效。

5.It was noted that due notice of the Meeting had been given to sole director and a quorum was present.有人指出,由于会议通知已获得的唯一董事出席的法定人数。

6."We're not being unreasonable, " Inhofe said. "The only leverage we have is the quorum leverage, and if we get stonewalled, we'll use it. "“我们不是不讲道理的,”英霍夫说,“法定人数是我们掌握的唯一杠杆,如果我们受到阻碍,我们将使用它。”

7.The quorum configuration in a failover cluster determines the point at which too many failures will stop the cluster from running.故障转移群集中的仲裁配置确定导致群集停止运行的故障点。

8.The measure allows a local election precinct to open even if it lacks a quorum of commission members representing both candidates.此修正案允许,即使当地选区的与会者没有达到代表双发候选人的最低要求法定人数,地区选区的选举可以照样进行。

9.We initially did not design with a quorum server in mind, but we had to use one.我们在最初的设计中未考虑quorum服务器,但是我们不得不使用它。

10.In May, the US Court of Appeals for the Washington, DC, circuit ruled that two members did not constitute a vapd quorum.5月,华盛顿特区巡回上诉法院裁定两名委员不构成法定有效人数。