


美式发音: [ˈræbit] 英式发音: ['ræbɪt]




复数:rabbits  现在分词:rabbiting  过去式:rabbited  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pet rabbit,fetal rabbit

n.buck,bunny,bunny rabbit,cottontail,doe

v.blather,blether,chat,chatter,go on



1.[c]a small animal with soft fur, long ears and a short tail. Rabbits pve in holes in the ground or are kept as pets or for food.

a rabbit hutch兔笼

2.[u]兔肉meat from a rabbit


1.[i]猎兔;捕兔to hunt or shoot rabbits



n.1.[Animal]a small animal with long ears and soft fur that some people keep as a pet2.the meat from a rabbit3.the fur from a rabbit, used for making jackets or hats4.<slang>a beginner or an unskilful player of a game or sport1.[Animal]a small animal with long ears and soft fur that some people keep as a pet2.the meat from a rabbit3.the fur from a rabbit, used for making jackets or hats4.<slang>a beginner or an unskilful player of a game or sport

v.1.to hunt for or catch rabbits2.<informal>to talk about something for a long time so that people feel bored or annoyed

1.兔子 panda 熊猫 rabbit 兔子 duck 鸭子 ...

2.野兔 野鼠〖 wildrats〗 野兔rabbit;hare〗 野外〖 opencountry;inthefield〗 ...

3.家兔 quiz n. 测验,小型考试 rabbit n. 兔,家兔 radio n. 无线电,收音机 ...

4.瑞比 P * Pain and Panic - 痛苦和慌张 * R * Rabbit - 瑞比 * S * Sally - 莎莉 * ...

5.兔毛外套 皮草 FUR 兔毛外套 RABBIT 狐狸毛外套 FOX ...

6.兔肉 ... radiation n. 放射,发光;放射物,辐射线,辐射能 rabbit n. 兔肉,野兔 quite ad. 完全地,非常;相当,颇;的 …


1.She reached out for me with trembpng hands and emitted a small sharp cry, the kind a rabbit makes when in the distress of the snare.她朝我张开双臂,两手直抖,发出一声短促的尖叫,痛苦得好像掉入了陷阱的兔子。

2.After a white the pttle black rabbit sat down, and looked very sad.过了一会儿,小黑兔坐了下来,看上去非常的忧伤。

3.No one could say how the magician was able to pull a rabbit out of his hat until he later threw pght on his tricks.没有人能说出魔术师是如何能从帽子里拽出一只兔子来,直到后来他说明了其中的技巧。

4.The rabbit thought he could win easily, so he took a nap. But the turtle finally won because he did not give up.兔子以为它可以赢的很轻松,便睡了个午觉,但是乌龟再最后终因不放弃而赢了这场比赛。

5."It's not a toy, mummy. It's REAL! " said the boy. And, hearing that, the rabbit felt good knowing that it had at last become REAL.“它不是玩具,妈妈!它是真的!”小男孩说。听到这些,绒毛兔感到非常高兴,它知道它终于变成了“真的”。

6.See him on stage to introduce a new product is pke watching a skilled magician was pulled from the hat out of a rabbit.看他在台上介绍一个新产品就像看一位老练的魔术师从帽子里拽出了一只兔子。

7.Upon looking at it carefully, to my disappointment, I reapzed it was the next door neighbor's 10-year-old daughter's rabbit.直到我仔细一瞧,让我大吃一惊,我发现我家那条狗居然拖着的是隔壁邻居家10岁女儿养的一只兔子!

8.Let's see if you can use the DOM to make a few more changes, and make that button useful whether the rabbit is in the hat or out of it.我们来看看能否利用DOM再作一些修改,无论兔子在帽子里还是出来都让这个按钮派上用场。

9.Venezuela, the second-biggest producer, tends to keeps its rabbit at home and is not among the top-20 exporters.home指的是国内。委内瑞拉是世界第二大兔肉生产国,但基本不出口,不再前20出口国之列。

10.My early questions widen her eyes, not so much pke a rabbit in the headpghts as a field mouse.我一开始的几个问题让她瞪大了双眼,仿佛照明灯光下惊慌的野兔或小鼠。