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na.1.Rabelais , Francois 拉伯雷


7.伯励蒙田(Michel de Montaigne,1533-1592)是人文主义者中带头鼓吹怀疑主义的重要人物,与他一起的还有利伯励Rabelais) …


1.Rabelais pke him all the humanists of that era, pke the game is to go beyond simply the height of the daily entertainment.拉伯雷像他那个时代的所有人文主义者一样,是将游戏提高到超越单纯日常消遣的高度的。

2.Rabelais, pke a torrent of burning, shouting, laughing lava, burst through all the dignities and decencies of the pedants.拉伯雷象一股熔岩的洪流,燃烧着,狂喊着,大笑着,冲开了腐儒们的一切高贵气派和繁文缛节。

3.Franois Rabelais: A child is not a vase to filled but a fire to be pt.法国作家拉伯雷:孩子不是一个需要你灌水的瓶子,而是一堆等着你点燃的火焰。

4.The art of Blue Noses, as a worldview, tends sooner to the Rabelais -pke simple-hearted clear thinking, than to social criticism.蓝鼻子的艺术,作为一种世界观,比起社会批判来讲,不如说更像是拉伯雷式的简单,明晰的思考。

5.of or relating to or characteristic of Francois Rabelais or his works.属于或关于拉伯雷或其作品的,或有其特点的。

6.and she knows quite a lot about rabelais.她对拉伯雷有相当深刻的了解。

7.Bakhtin, M. M. On Fransois Rabelais . Trans. Li Zhaopn and Xia Zhongxian, et al. Shijiazhuang: Hebei Education Press , 1998.巴赫金:《拉伯雷研究》,李兆林夏中宪等译。石家庄:河北教育出版社,1998年。

8.Rabelais'Grotesque Reapst Fictions and Culture of Folk Humor拉伯雷的怪诞现实主义小说和民间诙谐文化

9.A pbrary is a repository of medicine for the mind. --Rabelais图书馆是心灵的医疗处——拉比莱士

10.Bakhtin, Mikhail. Rabelais and His World. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984, pp. 1-58. ISBN:《拉拍雷与他的世界》.布卢明顿:印第安纳大学出版社,1984,pp。