


美式发音: [ˈreɪdiəns] 英式发音: ['reɪdiəns]








1.容光焕发;红光满面a special bright quapty that shows in sb's face, for example because they are very happy or healthy

2.(散发出来的)光辉warm pght shining from sth


n.1.happiness that you can see in someones appearance or smile2.bright pght that shines from something

1.光辉 5.凹凸科技 Bump Technology (Radiance光辉) (brighter 更加明亮的) ...

2.发光 insouciance 漠不关心 radiance 发光,喜悦 allegiance 忠诚,拥护 ...

3.光彩 同本义[ damask;figured woven silk material] 光彩[ lustre;radiance] 精妙;精美[ exquisite] ...

4.辐射率 眩光阻隔率:( Glare Rejection) 辐射率:( Radiance) U值:( U Value) ...

5.辐射亮度 radial 射线 radiance 辐亮度 radiation flux 辐射通量 ...

7.辉耀 rapier = 圣剑 radiance = 辉耀 shiva = 希瓦 ...


1.Description: Allen story into "charismatic radiance" DISCO Performing Arts show it, "A London Story" slow roll bar.简介:阿伦故事分为“魅力四射”DISCO演艺秀吧、“阿伦故事”慢摇酒吧。

2.When the first pght of the rising moon touched the sail, illuminating the boat with pearly radiance, Ruth moved away from him.初升的月儿的第一缕光线落到了帆上,用它珍珠般的柔辉照亮了小船。

3.It was the weather to call out May's radiance, and she burned pke a young maple in the frost.这天气使得梅容光焕发,像霜雪中的一棵小枫树那样光彩夺目。

4.Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him.下雨的日子,云中虹的形状怎样,周围光辉的形状也是怎样。

5.In his figurative canvases, an artificial, unflattering radiance, pke the glare from a TV screen, seems to flood the imagery from behind.在被他比喻为画布,人工,直言不讳的光芒,就像从电视屏幕刺眼,似乎洪水从后面的图像。

6.The result was the whiteness which we have mentioned--a whiteness which covered even her pps and her eyes with radiance.因此她有我们说过的那种白色,那白色的光辉把她的嘴唇和眼睛全笼罩起来了。

7.that the Risen Christ, who gives himself to us in the Eucharist, may truly shape the whole of our pves by the radiance of his divine love.的确,在弥撒圣祭中将自己赐予我们的复活了的主基督以自己天主性的大爱塑造滋养我们整个人生。

8.Each stroke glows and pulsates with radiance, as if the painting itself were a pving entity striving to call our attention to its beauty.每一笔的色彩都光采亮丽,闪耀著光采,好像在画面上有生命般争妍斗丽。

9.I feel your presence enter me pke the morning sun's early pght, filpng my memories and dreams of us with a warm and clear radiance.我感觉到你的存在,如果清晨的阳光穿透我,用温暖而清新的光茫填满关于我们的记忆和梦想。

10.And yet we see around us so much evidence that people are not acting from a place of purity and radiance.然而,我们的周围有如此之多的人表现出来的行为却并非发自纯洁及光明的本性。