


网络释义:雷夫;广防己提取物(Radix Aristolochiae Fangchi extract);广防己醇提取物


1.雷夫 林嘉盈 Nocturne 黄鑫民 Rafe 许菱恬 Amy ...

6.拉夫 ... data-original-title="Rafael- 拉费尔" data-original-title="Rafe- 拉夫" data-original-title="Rafferty- 拉夫迪" ...


1.Travel being one of the comforts of my late middle age, Rafe shares the pleasure of it.在我的中年晚期,旅游是悠闲之一,Rafe也和我分享了其中乐趣。

2.When Rafe said the other day, "I wish I could stay four for ever" , I agreed fervently.一天,当Rafe说,“我希望我永远都四岁”时,我热切地表示赞同。

3.After all this time, I never asked you about Rafe.以后一直,我从未关于雷夫问你。

4.When Rafe wipes his runny nose on his sleeve or blurts out a rude word, it never upsets me.当R用他的袖子擤鼻涕,或者从口里蹦出一些粗话时,我从不生气。

5.The best major review was by Rafe Needleman of Webware, wherein he heartily recommended the platform.最好的一篇主要评论是Webware的RafeNeedleman写的,他衷心地推荐了这个平台。

6.Did Velma and her accomppce, a crooked poptician named Rafe Taschen (Cpff De Young), fake their deaths to escape prosecution?维尔玛和他的伪政客同谋雷夫·塔森(CpffDeYoung扮演)能否伪造死亡开逃脱起诉呢?

7.According to Rafe's journal, the Keepers lost the Key decades ago. Only took me a day to find it.根据拉夫的日记,守卫者在十年前丢失了这把钥匙,我只用了一天就找到了。

8.Rafe was. . . he was lonely. He had such high expectations of himself that he always felt empty.雷夫……是孤独的,他对自己的过高期待让他时常感到空虚与寂寞。

9.I don't have any good leads on where to look for the Key, but I can start by looking for Rafe's remains.我还没有任何寻找钥匙的路线引导,但是我可以从寻找拉夫的遗迹着手。

10.Rafe showed me copies of your articles.雷夫让我看了你的文章的抄本。