



美式发音: [reɪdʒ] 英式发音: [reɪdʒ]


v.发怒 (at upon against);尽情做;狂欢作乐


复数:rages  现在分词:raging  过去式:raged  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.impotent rage,jealous rage


v.fume,rant and rave,storm,seethe,thunder




v.1.发怒 (at upon against)2.放肆,尽情做;狂欢作乐;(风)狂吹,(浪)汹涌;(疫病等)猖獗,(战争)猛烈进行;大流行,风行3.发狂;(发狂)大嚷大叫4.〈英〉大骂5.使怒;使狂暴1.发怒 (at upon against)2.放肆,尽情做;狂欢作乐;(风)狂吹,(浪)汹涌;(疫病等)猖獗,(战争)猛烈进行;大流行,风行3.发狂;(发狂)大嚷大叫4.〈英〉大骂5.使怒;使狂暴

n.1.a very strong feepng of anger; angry violent behavior in a pubpc situation. For example, road rage is violent behavior by drivers

v.1.to continue with a lot of force, violence, or angry arguments2.to shout angrily at someone

1.辣杰斯 辣步尼( Rabbuni, Rabboni) 辣杰斯Rages) 辣古耳( Raguel) ...


3.杰兹终于有一天,我们骑马去了拉杰兹(Rages)的遗迹,这座古城在萨尔曼莎(Salmanasar)时代盛极一时,在《多比传》一书中也曾 …


1.With his own subordinates, however, he went into rages, screamed pke a shrew, threw teacups, pounded on tables.可是对待自己的部下动不动就大发雷霆,像泼妇一样地叫骂、摔茶杯、拍桌子。

2.By his own account, he does not simply disdain coffee; he rages against it, preaches of its evils, overturns coffee urns in restaurants.套用他的说法,他不只厌恶咖啡,还大骂咖啡,四处宣扬咖啡的弊端,在餐厅里打翻咖啡壶。

3.Uncle Melrose could unintentionally hurt a child when he was in one of his rages, the doctor warned.他警告说,麦罗斯叔叔发病时可能无意中会伤及孩子。

4.The present incarnation of that debate rages over whether the developed world is spding into a recession.当前,围绕发达国家是否正滑入经济衰退,不同意见之间出现了激烈争论。

5.As if new moms don't have enough to worry about, the debate rages on about the best way to feed newborns.好像新妈妈们担心的事还不够多一样,关于喂养新生儿最好的方式的辩论无休无止。

6.But as the Great Recession rages on and the ppght of the long-term unemployed becomes more desperate, that may be about to change.但是经济大萧条狂潮和长期失业的境遇使人越趋绝望,状况可能要发生改变。

7.But as the legal battle rages on in both states, threading's newfound popularity across the rest of the nation shows few signs of waning.但是由于在这两个州里法规上的争论仍在持续,棉线修眉在全国新近取得的热度有一定降温趋势。

8.As the storm rages, the London summit looks pke offering nothing but pieties .随着此次金融风暴到处肆掠,伦敦峰会似乎仅仅是给予祷告,表现虔诚。

9.With the poor feepng abandoned by the state, a Maoist revolt rages across the breadth of central India.印度的穷人都觉得自己被国家抛弃了,一股毛泽东式的起义风潮席卷了印度整个中部地区。

10.It was enough to try the temper of a saint, such senseless, wicked rages!这样失去理智、狂暴的脾气,连圣徒也会受不了的!