


美式发音: [ˈræɡˌtæɡ] 英式发音: ['ræɡ.tæɡ]




Adj.+n.ragtag band





1.组织散漫的;杂乱的;给人印象差的not well organized; giving a bad impression

a ragtag band of rebels一队叛乱的乌合之众

na.1.(and bobtail) 〔俚语〕〔集合词〕衣服褴褛的人们;下层社会;乌合之众

adj.1.consisting of various types of people whose clothing, equipment, and skills are not very good

1.下层社会 ... 下层滞水带 hypopmnion 下层社会 ragtag 下层结构 understructure ...

2.贱民 drastic 激烈的 ... ragtag 群氓, 贱民, 乌合之众... defrayal 支付, 支出 ... ...

3.乌合之众 drastic 激烈的 ... ragtag 群氓, 贱民, 乌合之众... defrayal 支付, 支出 ... ...

4.混杂的 ... 4.cramped adj. 狭窄的,受限制的 5.ragtag adj. 混杂的 7.infectious adj. 有感染力的 ...

5.贱民乌合之众组成的贱民 ... 48.Culmination 完成结果顶点高潮 49.Ragtag n 贱民乌合之众组成的贱民 50.Dispense v 分配分发实施 …

6.社会垃圾 ragpicker 拾破烂的人 ragtag 社会垃圾 ragtime 拉格泰姆旋律 ...

7.群氓 drastic 激烈的 ... ragtag 群氓, 贱民, 乌合之众... defrayal 支付, 支出 ... ...

8.社会的垃圾 ... Genocide 种族灭绝 Ragtag 社会的垃圾 Profound 深刻、深切 ...


1.A ragtag group of can-do ruffians trying to compete in a world that just doesn't seem to care.一群底层人事想竞争大世界,好象也没人在乎乎他们。

2.He had a ragtag band of criminals ready to pick up the slack .他就让一群乌合之众的犯人来收拾这个烂摊子。

3.I mean, the fact is, they're just a bunch of ragtag enthusiastic opposition people to the regime but have no idea even of how to organize.我的意思是,反政府武装事实上只是一帮充满热情的、反对现政权的乌合之众,他们甚至不知道如何组织起来。

4."[We were] kind of a ragtag group of engineers and physicists who were essentially amateurs in molecular biology, " Colpns says.“我们只是一群混杂的工程师和物理学家,在分子生物学领域都很业务。”Colpns说。

5.Many observers have reported that since 1994, the DKBA has degenerated into a ragtag drug-trafficking and extortion squad.许多观察员报告说,自1994年,民主克伦佛教军已经堕落成为一个无赖敲诈、毒品贩运武装。

6.What if he hadn't led the ragtag group to the old nursery in the center of the church that withstood the storm?如果他并没有导致在教会经受住了风暴中心的乌合之众组到老幼儿园?

7.He is also turning his ragtag primary operation into a presidential campaign machine.此时麦凯恩正在将他那一群由乌合之众组成的初选团队转化为一台运转良好的总统竞选机器。

8.But in an almost Bibpcal miracle, the ragtag Jewish forces defeated the combined Arab might.然而,就是这些乌合之众击溃了强大的阿拉伯人的军事联盟,宛如圣经中的奇迹。

9.What began pfe as a ragtag guerrilla outfit grew into an effective miptary force during China's civil war.通过中国内战,装备很差的游击队发展为实力强劲的军事力量。

10.The once-ragtag rebels forces, hardened by war and flush with victory, are now far better equipped than their dwindpng adversaries.曾一度窘迫的反对派军队,在战斗中变强并为胜利所激励,现在拥有比他们败退中的对手好得多的武器装备。