


美式发音: ['sælvɪə] 英式发音: ['sælvɪə]






n.1.an ornamental plant with opposite leaves.

1.鼠尾草属 玄参 figwort 丹参 salvia 白肉洋参 clarified ...

4.一串红 万寿菊 Marigold-African 一串红 Salvia 澳洲狐尾 Ptilotus ...

5.唇形科鼠尾草属 处女座的 the Virgo 琴柱草 Salvia 黎丽草 Lily ...

7.丹参属2、此外,我们对丹参属(Salvia)的15种植物作了化学的定性和定量分析,以及体外抗菌的试验研究,结果表明,这15种植物的 …


1.Results The main ADR of salvia miltiorrhizae compound injection were allergic reactions (70%), the most of it was anaphylactic shock.结果复方丹参注射液的主要不良反应是变态反应(70%),主要是过敏性休克,与用药剂量无关。

2.Cryptotanshinone is one of the effective components in salvia miltiorrhiza which has antitumor effect.隐丹参酮是丹参中的主要有效成分,它具有肿瘤抑制作用。

3.CONCLUSIONS Bacterial endotoxin test could be used for Radix Salvia Miltiorrhiza injection.结论:细菌内毒素检测方法可用于丹参注射液的热原检查。

4.The South Grounds Fountain is encircled by Salvia (Red Flare) and Dusty Miller at the White House.白宫南面的地面喷泉被鲜红的琴柱草和银叶菊包围。

5.Objective To determine and compare the contents of trace elements in different parts of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge. f. alba C.目的分析比较泰山白花丹参不同部位微量元素含量。

6.Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) and sage (Salvia officinaps): Decongestant and antibacterial.桉树(蓝桉)和鼠尾草解充血药、抗菌剂。

7.Objective: To observe curative efficacy of astragalus injection combined with composite salvia injection in virus enteritis in children.目的:观察黄芪注射液配伍复方丹参注射液治疗小儿病毒性肠炎的疗效。

8.Result Salvia is typical kind of Chinese blo od -activating drug possessing many chemical elements and pharmacological activity es.结果:丹参为中医活血化瘀代表药,含多种化学成分、具有多种药理活性。

9.Detect rats blood glucose and insupn with diagnostic kit and insupn radioactive and obtain the hypoglycemic effect of salvia injection.再采用血糖、胰岛素放射免疫试剂盒检测大鼠血糖及血清胰岛素水平,观察丹参注射液对各组大鼠的降糖效果。

10.Objective To explore the preventive and therapeutic effect salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge on ARDS and its mechanism.目的探讨丹参对化学性急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)的防治作用及可能机制。