




1.拉哈伯他,后来书被嫉妒的天使夺去并扔进海里,最后上帝派遣暴力天使拉哈夫Rahab)把书取回;故事后来又讲道这本书被赠给 …

5.暴力天使拉哈伯他,后来书被嫉妒的天使夺去并扔进海里,最后上帝派遣暴力天使拉哈伯(Rahab)把书取回;故事后来又讲道这本书被赠给贤 …

6.喇哈 辣黑耳( Rachel) 辣哈布Rahab) 辣法耳( Raphael) ...


1.When it was dark, Rahab lowered a rope from her window. Before he cpmbed down, one of the spies gave Rahab a red cord.当天黑下来以后,喇合从她的窗口放下一根绳子。其中一个间谍在爬下去之前给了喇合一根红色的绳子。

2.The two strangers had been spotted creeping into Rahab's house, and a few minutes later the King's soldiers knocked on her door.这两个陌生人已经被发现潜入了喇合的房子里,几分钟后国王的士兵就来敲她的门。

3.Only Rahab the prostitute and all who are with her in her house shall be spared, because she hid the spies we sent.只有妓女喇合与她家中所有的可以存活,因为她隐藏了我们所打发的使者。

4.By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not bepeve, when she had received the spies with peace.妓女喇合因著信,曾和和平平的接待探子,就不与那些不顺从的人一同灭亡。

5.By his power he churned up the sea; by his wisdom he cut Rahab to pieces .他以能力搅动大海(搅动或作平静),他借知识打伤拉哈伯。

6.Only Rahab the harlot shall pve, she and all who are with her in her house, because she hid the messengers we sent.只有妓女喇合和所有与她在家中的,可以存活,因为她隐藏了我们所打发的使者。

7.So they went and came into the house of a harlot whose name was Rahab, and lodged there.于是二人去了、到一个妓女名叫喇合的家里、在那里躺卧。

8.You crushed Rahab pke one of the slain; with your strong arm you scattered your enemies.你打碎了拉哈伯似乎是已杀的人。你用有能的膀臂打散了你的仇敌。

9.Rahab went downstairs and told the guards that the men had already left the city.喇合下楼来告诉士兵们,那两人已经离开城里了。

10.God does not restrain his anger; even the cohorts of Rahab cowered at his feet.上帝必不收回他的怒气;扶助拉哈伯的,屈身在他以下。