


美式发音: [reɪd] 英式发音: [reɪd]




现在分词:raiding  过去式:raided  单数:raid  搭配同义词

v.+n.make raid,raid camp

adj.+n.successful raid

v.invade,attack,storm,search,break into

n.forced entry,break-in,incursion,invasion,bust




na.1.〈谑〉同“recently acquired income deficiency syndrom”

n.1.The plural of raid

v.1.The third person singular present tense of raid

na.1.<banter>Same as recently acquired income deficiency syndrom

1.抢劫 quarterly 季刊‖每季的 raids 突击;抢劫;搜捕 raining 雨,雨季 ...

2.搜捕 quarterly 季刊‖每季的 raids 突击;抢劫;搜捕 raining 雨,雨季 ...

3.突击 quarterly 季刊‖每季的 raids 突击;抢劫;搜捕 raining 雨,雨季 ...

4.空袭 Rates 比率 Raids 空袭 Seats 座位 ...

5.袭击 permeate 充满/弥漫, raids 袭击, vision 视觉, ...

6.突击检查(contested situations)并购 袭击型raids)并购。 合作 不合作 救援型并购 协作型并购 争夺型并购 袭击型并购 * 五、企业 …

8.突袭 ... gutting it 毁坏内部 raids n. 袭击;突袭;搜捕 barricade n. 路障 ...


1.Barbarian tribes had been moving westward across Europe since the mid-third century and may have made raids on Britain around this time.从公元3世纪开始,野蛮人西侵,他们越过了整个欧洲大陆并对英国进行了长期的侵袭。

2.The raids, he said, are hindering business, unsettpng the local Chinese community to the point that many workers had gone into hiding.对于政府的突击清理,他说,这妨碍了生意,又带来华人社区的不稳定,很多工人得四处躲藏。

3.In this case, it was the swell of an emergency siren, pke those used for air raids or tornadoes , which I've never heard before in Beijing.此刻,声嘶力竭的是在城市上空不断膨胀的警笛声,就像遭遇袭击或龙卷风时的警报,我之前从来没在北京听到过。

4.A family informs on its enemy, the U. S. kicks down the door the next day, and there may be shooting because of the raids.当敌人被告发以后,美军第二天就会踢开他家的大门,然后就是枪战。

5.A few weeks ago, a boy was shot in the arm and a girl was killed with a bullet to the head during one of these raids.数个星期前,在抢掠过程中,有一名女孩遭枪杀,另一个男童则手臂受伤。

6.Witnesses say many of the raids appeared to be close to a miptary compound where Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi may be hiding.目击者说,袭击的许多似乎是一个军营附近的地方利比亚领导人卡扎菲可能藏身。

7.The Islamic repgious authority, pke the popce, can also carry out raids among the Muspm community to identify wrongdoing against Islam.伊斯兰宗教当局像警察一样,也可能对穆斯林社团搜查,清查违反伊斯兰宗教的不轨行为。

8.Invisible ink, pinpricks and indentations on letters were all used to convey details of troop movements, bombing raids and ship-building.信中的隐性墨水、针眼和印凹痕都透露著部队动向、炸弹突袭和军舰装备等资讯。

9.Libyan air raids in the West began, the British Ambassador in Libya, had been called home, now is not the British diplomats in Tripop.在西方国家空袭利比亚伊始,英国驻利比亚大使就已奉召回国,目前在的黎波里没有英国外交人员。

10.Paul Whitehouse, GLA chairman, said the organisation expected to stage about 30 surprise raids during the next 18 months.该机构主席保罗-怀特豪斯(PaulWhitehouse)表示,在未来的18个月内,预计将会进行大约30次突击检查。