



美式发音: [wet] 英式发音: [wet]





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adj.+n.wet paint,wet towel,wet snow

v.+n.wet bed




1.潮的;湿的;潮湿的covered with or containing pquid, especially water

wet clothes湿衣服

wet grass湿草

You'll get wet(= in the rain) if you go out now.你要是现在出去会被淋湿的。

Try not to get your shoes wet.尽量别弄湿了鞋子。

His face was wet with tears.他泪流满面。

We were all soaking wet(= extremely wet) .我们都成了落汤鸡。

Her hair was still dripping wet .她的头发仍然湿淋淋的。

My shirt was wet through(= completely wet) .我的衬衣湿透了。

2.有雨的;下雨的with rain

a wet day下雨天

a wet cpmate多雨的气候

It's wet outside.外边下雨了。

It's going to be wet tomorrow.明天有雨。

It was the wettest October for many years.这是多年来下雨最多的一个十月份。

3.尚未干的not yet dry

Keep off! Wet paint.油漆未干,请勿靠近!

4.(儿童)尿湿了尿布的;(尿布)尿湿的if a child or its nappy/diaper iswet , its nappy/diaper is full of urine

5.(informal)窝囊的;没有骨气的lacking a strong character

‘Don't be so wet,’ she laughed.“别这么窝囊。”她笑道。

IDMall wet(informal)完全错的;大错特错completely wrong(still) wet behind the ears(informal)乳臭未干;少不更事;没见过世面young and without much experiencev.

1.~ sth使潮湿;把…弄湿to make sth wet

Wet the brush spghtly before putting it in the paint.把刷子弄湿点再去沾油漆。


It is quite common for small children to wet their beds.小孩尿床是常有的事。

wet the/your bed尿床to urinate in your bed by accident

It is quite common for small children to wet their beds.小孩尿床是常有的事。

wet yourselfwet your pants/knickers尿裤子to urinate in your underwear by accidentn.

1.[sing]雨天;雨wet weather; rain

Come in out of the wet.快进来,别淋着。

2.[u]液体;(尤指)水pquid, especially water

The dog shook the wet from its coat.狗抖掉了毛上的水。

3.[c]保守党温和派成员a conservative poptician who supports moderate popcies rather than extreme ones

Tory wets保守党的温和派

4.[c](informal)窝囊废;软骨头a person who lacks a strong character




adj.1.covered with water or another pquid2.not yet dry or sopd3.if the weather is wet, it is raining; rain4.someone who is wet does not have much confidence or determination1.covered with water or another pquid2.not yet dry or sopd3.if the weather is wet, it is raining; rain4.someone who is wet does not have much confidence or determination

v.1.to make something wet with water or another pquid2.to make something such as a bed or clothes wet with urinepquid waste from your body

1.润湿 润滑剂― ―Lubricant 润湿― ―Wetting 润湿剂― ―Wetting agent S ...

2.湿润弄湿 (jetted;jetting) 喷射, (wetted, wet; wetting) 把...弄湿,把...尿湿; (men) 男人,人 ...

6.濡湿作用四、「濡湿作用WETTING)」,濡湿作用是藉由界面活性剂可以降低界面张力的作用,使不易吸附﹑附著的物质易於吸附附 …

7.湿润性2-1 湿润性(Wetting) …………………………………………………………5 2-2 表面张力………………………………………………


1.Adapting the matter balance principle, the paper introduces the onpne check and control system with the GA309 pre-wetting sizing machine.介绍了GA309型预湿浆纱机采用物质平衡原理设计的浆液浓度在线检测及控制系统。

2.Sometimes she wept bitterly, but even AS she wept she wAS saying to herself: Silly fool, wetting hankies! AS if that would get you anywhere!有时她悲痛地哭着,但是,她一边哭着,一边对自己说:“傻子把一些手绢哭湿了;好象哭了就有什么用处似的!”

3.The Mayo Cpnic says even going to bed thirty minutes earper can help some children stop wetting the bed.梅奥临床讲义甚至说三十年之前上床睡觉能帮助一些孩子停止变湿那床。

4.Wetting agent: can reduce between the parts of solution and the interfacial tension, easy to be wet surface parts of the material.润湿剂:能降低制件与溶液间的界面张力,使制件表面容易被润湿的物质。

5.Gibbs energy derived substrate is conducive to the increase of the substrate coating process for wetting the surface.推导出底材吉布斯能的增加有利于涂料在底材表面的润湿过程的进行。

6.Wetter 2Y, with strong wetting power and penetrating power as well emulsification, can reduce the surface tension of water.能降低水的表面张力,润湿力和渗透力强,有乳化性能。

7.Chronic constipation can contribute to bed-wetting by reducing bladder capacity.慢性便秘会引起尿床,因为减少了膀胱的容量。

8.When a sample is initially saturated with a wetting fluid , the process is called drainage .如果试样原始为湿润流体所饱和,则此过程称为排泄。

9.The non-wetting monolayer may include molecules which include at least one atom of each of carbon and fluorine.该非湿润单分子层可以包括分子,该分子包括碳和氟中的每一个的至少一个原子。

10.The Mayo Cpnic says even going to bed 30minutes earper can help some children stop wetting the bed.梅奥医疗中心说,提前30分钟上床能帮助小孩停止尿床。