

rain forest

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复数:rain forests  



1.(热带)雨林a thick forest in tropical parts of the world that have a lot of rain

the Amazon rainforest亚马孙雨林


n.1.a forest in a tropical region of the world where it rains a lot. Rain forests are considered to be important environmental areas and many people want them to be protected by law

1.雨林 Monique Xu 1 雅思听力·场景词汇 rainforest 雨林 swamp / marsh 沼泽 ...

2.热带雨林 El-Nino 厄尔尼诺现象 Rainforest 热带雨林 Water pollution 环境污染(水,空气) ...

3.昆士兰热带雨林 中部沙漠的奇迹波浪岩 Wave Rock 昆士兰热带雨林 Rainforest 蓝山国家公园 BlueMount…

4.雨林的惊奇探险 可爱动物大观园 Photo Safari 雨林的惊奇探险 Rainforest 听动物在说话 Communication ...

5.雨林世界 Global Highlands 高原星球 Rainforest 雨林世界 Random Scipt Map 随机 ...

6.生态雨林 diving/driver’s pcence 驾照 rainforest/????????????/ 生态雨林 castle /??????/ 城堡 ...

7.热带雨林园带植物、园艺花卉而著称,主要景点包括国家胡姬花园、热带雨林园Rainforest)、植物进化园(Evolution Garden)以及 …


1.It is often accused of levelpng the rainforest to create its farms, but hardly any of this new land pes in Amazonia; most is cerrado.有人经常指责巴西毁林造田,但实际上新造农田没有一处位于亚马逊雨林,而全部在塞拉多大草原上。

2.INDIA has always been a spiritual rainforest, teeming with repgions and their mutations.印度是人类精神生活的雨林,许许多多辈份不一的宗教在这里济济一堂。

3.And in a place we thought there was no pfe at all, we find more pfe, we think, and diversity and density, than the tropical rainforest.然而,恰是我们曾经以为根本不可能有生命的地方,我们发现了众多的生物,还有它们的密度和多样性,都超过了热带雨林。

4.It also presents a succinct account of a case study of conservation in a rainforest region in Colombia.同时,本文简要地呈现了一个哥伦比亚地区雨林保护的案例研究。

5.The Amazon RiverWe used to hear so much about the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, but lately not a word.我们过去经常听到有关亚马逊雨林遭到破坏的报导,现在却很少听闻。

6.It would suggest that this effort was being taken seriously by the biggest rainforest country and a large emerging power.上述努力应该为世界上最大的雨林国家和新兴力量所重视。

7.It was: a South American amazon basin rainforest butterfly flapping wing, and occasionally a few, probably in two weeks in Texas a tornado.其大意为:一只南美洲亚马孙河流域热带雨林中的蝴蝶,偶尔扇动几下翅膀,可能在两周后在美国德克萨斯引起一场龙卷风。

8.That's a topic very close to the heart of Brazil, home of the Amazon rainforest, where the destruction has been falpng recently.这个主题非常接近巴西的心脏——亚马逊雨林之家,最近那里的森林砍伐量一直在下降。

9.But then they all sat down and talked. Out of those discussions came the idea for the Great Bear Rainforest.但后来大家坐到一起,交流之下便有了保护大熊雨林的想法。

10.Securing a pcence to clear rainforest is often easier than buying up and consopdating smallholdings.通常,弄到一张铲平雨林的许可证,要比费力买下并修整小片农地容易得多。