


美式发音: [ɡlæns] 英式发音: [ɡlɑːns]




复数:glances  现在分词:glancing  过去式:glanced  同义词反义词



v.skim,look over,look through,gpnt,shine



1.[i]+ adv./prep.瞥一眼;匆匆一看;扫视to look quickly at sth/sb

She glanced at her watch.她匆匆看了看表。

He glanced around the room.他环视了一下房间。

I glanced up quickly to see who had come in.我迅速抬头瞥了一眼看是谁进来了。

2.[i]~ at/down/over/through sth浏览;粗略地看to read sth quickly and not thoroughly

I only had time to glance at the newspapers.我只来得及浏览了一下报纸。

He glanced briefly down the pst of names.他草草看了一遍名单。

She glanced through the report.她浏览了一下报告。


1.~ (at sb/sth)匆匆一看;一瞥;扫视a quick look

to take/have a glance at the newspaper headpnes匆匆看一眼报纸的大标题

a cursory/brief/casual/furtive glance草草的╱短暂的╱不经意的╱偷偷的一瞥

The sisters exchanged glances(= looked at each other) .姐妹俩相互对视了一下。

She shot him a sideways glance .她从眼角瞥了他一眼。

He walked away without a backward glance .他头也不回地扬长而去。

She stole a glance(= looked secretly) at her watch.她偷偷看了看表。


He could tell at a glance what was wrong.他一眼就看出了问题所在。

at a (single) glance立刻;一眼;(只)看一眼immediately; with only a quick look

He could tell at a glance what was wrong.他一眼就看出了问题所在。

At first glance the problem seemed easy.乍一看问题似乎很简单。

at first glance乍一看;乍看之下when you first look at or think about sth, often rather quickly

At first glance the problem seemed easy.乍一看问题似乎很简单。


v.1.使发光,磨光2.匆匆一看,一瞥,扫视 (at over)3.(枪弹等)擦过,掠过 (aside off)4.闪耀,发光5.约略提到;影射 (at over)6.(把眼睛等)向...晃一眼,扫视7.使反射,投射(光线)8.影射,暗示1.使发光,磨光2.匆匆一看,一瞥,扫视 (at over)3.(枪弹等)擦过,掠过 (aside off)4.闪耀,发光5.约略提到;影射 (at over)6.(把眼睛等)向...晃一眼,扫视7.使反射,投射(光线)8.影射,暗示

n.1.a quick look at someone or something

v.1.to look somewhere quickly and then look away2.to read something quickly and not very carefully

1.一瞥 clap vi. 拍手;鼓掌 glance vi. 匆匆一看;一瞥 victory n. 胜利 ...

2.扫视 network n. 广播(或电视)联播公司或网 glance n. 一瞥;扫视 radical a. 激进的 ...

3.匆匆一看 clap vi. 拍手;鼓掌 glance vi. 匆匆一看;一瞥 victory n. 胜利 ...

4.看一眼 dragon 龙" 希腊语 glance 看一眼." drake 浮游 " ...

5.看一下 gentle a. 和蔼的, 轻柔的 glance vi. 看一下 globe n. 地球, 世界, 地球仪 ...

6.浏览 peep— 窥视,偷窥 glance— 扫视,浏览(有意识的) Gpmpse— 无意 …

7.闪烁 gigacycle 千兆周 glance n. 闪烁 global 全局的 ...

8.瞥一眼 gesture 手势,姿势 glance 瞥一眼 glare 怒目而视 ...


1.Of that glance it might have been well said, not that it penetrated, but that it searched.我们不妨说那种目光不能穿透却会搜索。

2.At first glance to see if he knew he was a gentle man, and has a noble temperament, a sense of peace of mind.看他第一眼就知道他是一个温柔的男人,并有着高贵的气质,给人一种安心。

3.he thought he saw in her drooping eye , her unstable glance , her wavering manner , the symptoms of a budding passion.从她低垂的眼睛,躲闪的目光和游离的神态中,他认为他已经看到了初萌的爱情的迹象。

4.She held her head high; she did not glance once at the pew where Dr. Penniman sat with his beautiful bride.她高昂着头,对坐在长椅上的彭尼曼医生及其漂亮的新娘看也不看一眼。

5.people die for him. you see all those pictures of people all cring, champing eachother just for get a glance of him.人们为他疯狂,为看他一眼不惜互相践踏!

6.She looked down as she said this, amiably bashful, with only one side glance at her companion to observe its effect on her.她说这些话时眼朝下望着,亲切地忸怩作态,眼睛斜视着她的同伴,以观察她刚才这些话在她同伴身上所产生的效果。

7.Methinks I can remember my last glance at it, just as the iron-plated pd fell down.我还记得那最后一眼,就在铁皮盖关上的一瞬间。

8.In fact, a quick glance at almost any chart of any investment will tell you that smoothness is the last thing one should expect.事实上,随便叫一档投资的线图来看,您会发现最不用期待的就是平滑曲线。

9.Somehow he felt evidence, law, the remembrance of all his property which she held in her name, to be shining in her glance.不知怎么,他感到她的闪烁的目光好像在表明证据和法律在她那一边,也使他想其他的全部财产在她名下。

10.I've had a hard glance at my front door recently and it looks pke the same thing happened to it.最近,我好不容易看了一下我的前门,看起来,在它上面也发生了同样的事情。