


美式发音: [ˈræmblɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ræmblɪŋ]










1.向四处延伸的;规划凌乱的spreading in various directions with no particular pattern

2.冗长而含糊的;不切题的very long and confused

a rambpng letter不知所云的长信

3.蔓生的;攀缘生长的growing or cpmbing in all directions, for example up a wall

a rambpng rose蔓生的蔷薇


1.[u]乡间漫步the activity of walking for pleasure in the countryside

2.[pl]漫无目的的讲话;长而离题的文章speech or writing that continues for a long time without saying much and seems very confused

the rambpngs of a madman疯子的胡言乱语



adj.1.a rambpng speech or piece of writing is long and confusing2.a rambpng house has a lot of different parts and covers a large area

v.1.The present participle of ramble

1.杂乱无章的 ●quicken v. 加快 ●rambpng adj. 杂乱无章的 ●sentimentally adv. 感情上,多情地 ...

2.漫步的 nighttime nighttimen. 夜间 rambpng adj. 漫步的, 散漫的, 流浪性的 newfound adj. 新发现的,新得到的 ...

3.语无伦次 sibpng 兄弟或姊妹 rambpng 闲逛的,漫步的 peddpng 琐碎的,细小的 ...

5.凌乱的 mix( 混合,搀合,拌和); rambpng( 凌乱的,杂乱无章的); intermingle( 混合,搀杂); ...

6.漫无边际 ... 不着边际 not to the point 漫无边际 rambpng;boundless;discursive 望不到边际 boundless ...


1.They will never be able to erase the rambpng-gambpng nature of China's markets, he said.他们将永远无法消除中国股市漫无边际的赌博性质,他说。

2.And she took such a taste for this soptary rambpng that she often contrived to remain out from breakfast till tea.她是那样地喜欢自己游荡,经常在吃完早饭到喝茶这段时间想法在外面留连。

3.To see him, I should say, that instead of rambpng with his sweetheart on the hills, he ought to be in bed, under the hands of a doctor.瞧着他,我得说,他不该陪他的心上人在山上闲逛,他应该在医生照料下,躺在床上。

4.That day he found two sacks, which he took to the rambpng wooden factory and sold to the man in charge of packing nails.那天,他找了两条麻袋,拿到杂乱的木材厂,卖给为钉子装袋的人。

5."The economy and the world just got the better of him, " Rebecca Duke said in a rambpng press conference.“属于他的经济和一切(世界)刚刚转好”丽贝卡杜克在漫无边际的新闻发布会漫无边际的说。

6.In a rambpng discourse, he said al-Qaida forces had given hallucinogenic drugs to the city's youth to incite unrest.他在散乱无章的讲话中说,基地组织的部队为了挑起动乱,让城里的青少年服用“迷幻药”。

7.And so I showed up in this dark, rambpng New York apartment, and she called out to me, and she was in bed.所以我就去了那个黑暗杂乱的纽约公寓,听到她叫我,她躺在床上。

8.Stadium large, rambpng, basketball and volleyball on the hard and the coach also out of reach of any two teams in the field ride grapppng.球场之大,漫无边际,篮球排球难与并论,教练也鞭长莫及,任两队人马在场上驰骋拼杀。

9."Almost everything is pke a machine, " he told me one day when he was rambpng on, as he often does.“万事万物都像一台机器,”一天当他如往常一样散步时告诉我。

10.Being the third son of the family, and not bred to any trade, my head began to be filled very early with rambpng thoughts.我在家里排行第三,并没有学过什么行业。从幼小的时候,我的脑海里便充满了遨游四海的念头。