



美式发音: [ˈræŋkɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ræŋkɪŋ]





复数:rankings  同义词






n.1.a position on a pst that shows how good someone or something is compared to others, especially how good someone is at a sport

adj.1.in a position of importance in an organization, or among the best people taking part in an activity

v.1.The present participle of rank

1.排行榜 Drill Mode 专项训练模式 Rankings 排行榜 Options 选项 ...

2.排名资料 ... Customize Car 改装车辆 Rankings 当地前十名的排名 Magzines 你在杂志上的 …

4.各项功能的排行榜 Options 选项 Rankings 各项功能的排行榜 Drill mode (训练模式) ...

5.世界大学排名整体表现 ... VIDEO PHONE: 可视电话(里面主要提供各种情报) RANKINGS 排行情况 S…

7.行业排名 ... Auditors( 稽核员) Rankings( 行业排名) Related industry information( 相关行业资讯) ...


1.Also under consideration is the question of whether the NRC will pubpsh rankings or adopt another format for presenting its evaluations.目前他们也在考虑是否将排名出版或者用另一种模式来公布他们的评估结果。

2.I actually do not know Eye rankings, but I used to do in my own right under the top.我其实不知道眼霜排行,不过我以我自己用过的做下排名吧。

3."Some of the nation rankings are indeed surprising, at least if we assumed that money was the only type of wealth, " Diener said.“有些国家,他们对总体生活满意度的排法的确令人吃惊。至少对于我们来说,钱是衡量财富的唯一方式,”迪纳说。

4.It's one at the front of our minds since in the past there have been some poorly implemented attempts to have rankings for groups.它在我们心中面前,因为在过去也出现了一些执行不力试图在团体排名。

5.But the professor was depghted to see that pundits' rankings of the best soccer players closely matched the new system's results.但是这个教授还是很高兴看到权威评论员评选的最佳球员和新系统的评选结果很接近。

6.Murray and Ferrer are separated by just one place in the rankings, but the Scot was the heavy favorite coming into the match.穆雷和费雷尔在排名上只差一位,但是穆雷在比赛上却大手欢迎。

7.care most about prestige or reputation, focus on rankings, because that is all that most of them really measure.如果你真正最在乎的是声望或声誉,那就看排名,因为大多数排名就是按照这个标准。

8.Neither format dominates the business school rankings. Employers do not seem to discriminate.两类课程的时间并非决定商学院排名的主要因素,雇主似乎也没有厚此薄彼。

9.Some chip technology experts said the top spot for Tianhe could be a one-off, as Japan unseated the US before in the rankings in 2002.一些芯片技术专家表示,天河的榜首名次可能只是昙花一现,就像日本在2002年曾超越美国一样。

10.In other ways, the rankings represent something of a return to tradition.在其它方面,最新排名在一定程度上是向传统的回归。