




1.芜菁 属: 芸薹属 Brassica 种: 芜菁 B. rapa 亚种:大白菜 B. r. pekinensis ...

2.白菜种 芸苔属 Brassica 白菜种 B. rapa 大白菜亚种 B. r. pekinensis ...

3.雷帕霉素(rapamycin)珠单抗,抗TNF-α 单克隆抗体 (5)抗生素类:拉帕霉素Rapa) (6)植物有效成分:雷公藤总苷,青藤碱,草乌甲素, …

7.帕鸣发现,使用巴利昔单抗( IL2R Ab ) + 雷帕鸣(RAPA) +麦考酚酯(MMF) + 皮质激素(ST)的肾移植病人与对照组相比,其急性排 …



1.Today, the land, people and language are all referred to locally as Rapa Nui.如今,土地,人民和语言都归属于当地的本地拉帕努伊。

2.Travelers fly great distances to see the striking moai of Rapa Nui or the dramatic otherworldly landscapes of Hawaii.旅行者飞越千山万里去看著名的魔埃或者夏威夷超凡脱俗的地貌。

3.A widely cultivated Eurasian plant(Brassica rapa)of the mustard family, having a large , fleshy, edible yellow or white root .芜菁,芜菁甘蓝一种广泛地种植的产于欧亚大陆的植物(芜菁芸苔属),属十字花科,有大块的、多肉的、可食用的根,呈黄色成白色。

4.Sabucedo, Spain: Rapa Das Bestas Since the Bronze Age, Gapcians have been taming wild horses.西班牙的驯服野马节。青铜色的上年纪的人,加利西亚人已经会驯服野马群。

5.That culture reached its zenith during the tenth to 16th centuries, when the Rapa Nui carved and erected some 900 moai across the island.这种文化在十世纪到十六世纪达到了顶峰,当拉帕努伊人在岛上雕刻和竖立起了900个摩埃巨石像时。

6.The people of the island were called Rapa Nui and no one knows where they came from and where they vanished.这岛上的人叫拉伯努伊,没有人知道他们是从哪来又消失到那里去了。

7.Rapa Nui's mysterious moai statues stand in silence but speak volumes about the achievements of their creators.拉帕努伊岛的神秘的巨石像静静地矗立着,无声地述说着他们的创造者的成就。

8.Long fpghts service Rapa Nui from Santiago, Chile and Tahiti.从圣地亚哥、智力和塔希提岛有飞往拉帕努伊岛的长途飞机。

9.It's miraculous that Polynesian peoples ever reached Rapa Nui in the first place.波利尼西亚人起初能到达拉帕努伊岛真是太神奇了。

10.It is generally thought that the Rapa Nui's demise resulted from an environmental catastrophe of their own making.普遍认为,拉帕努伊人的灭绝是由于他们自己造成的环境大灾难导致的。