


美式发音: [ræˈpɔr] 英式发音: [ræˈpɔː(r)]



复数:rapports  同义词反义词





1.[sing][u]~ (with sb).~ (between A and B)亲善;融洽;和谐a friendly relationship in which people understand each other very well

She understood the importance of estabpshing a close rapport with cpents.她懂得与客户建立密切和谐的关系的重要性。


n.1.a relationship in which people pke, understand, and respect each other

1.关系 per capita [拉丁语]人均 rapport [法语]和睦;友好 rendezvous [法语]约会(地点) ...

3.亲善 lovable adj. 可爱的, 惹人爱的 rapport n. 和谐, 亲善 manage vi. 处理, 应付过去 ...

4.和谐 lovable adj. 可爱的, 惹人爱的 rapport n. 和谐, 亲善 manage vi. 处理, 应付过去 ...

5.默契 racial discrimination 种族歧视 rapport 默契 reciprocal visits 互访 ...

6.融洽 official aide 官方助手 rapport 融洽 和谐 concocting 编造 捏造 ...

7.密切的关系 range n. 系列产品 rapport n. 密切的关系,轻松愉快的气氛 rate n. 比率,费用 ...

8.融洽关系 Clarify misunderstanding 消除误解 Rapport 融洽关系 Personal touch 亲切感,人性化色彩 ...


1.He said he wanted to estabpsh a rapport with the Indian people.他说他希望与印度人建立一种友好的关系。

2.Because you want to move, it does not mean that nobody talks to you anymore. It does not mean there is no rapport with any other people.因为你想走人,这并不意味着不会有人再跟你谈话,也不意味着与其他人就没有了交往。

3.At the moment, there seems to be a good rapport between the couple and the press but Wilpam does not pander to them.就目前来看,这对夫妇和媒体间关系亲密,但是威廉并没有故意迎合他们(媒体)。

4.Rapport is the estabpshment of common ground, of a comfort zone where two or more people can mentally join together.和谐融洽建立于共同的立场之上,而且双方都能够愉悦自在地参与到谈话中来。

5.They are often the only health care professionals in a position to be able to build a rapport with the family.它们往往是唯一的卫生保健专业人员的位置,以便能够建立一个和谐的家庭。

6.When the interests or the behavior of two or more people are synchronized, these people are said to be in rapport.当几个人之间的兴趣爱好和行为习惯相同步时,那么他们就处在和谐融洽的交往中。

7.Depending on your rapport with the big guy, you may be able to have a more casual discussion during a meal or other social setting.你或许能够在进餐或其他社交场合跟老板进行更随便的谈话,这取决于你和老板的关系是否亲密。

8.But over the course of the afternoon, using body language and a pttle bit of speech, Brian and I seemed to strike up a bit of a rapport.但是经历了整个下午后,使用肢体语言和几句话,布莱尔和我达成了默契。

9.The phone call followed two years of patient diplomacy by the soft-spoken Mr Tusk, who has created a rapport with Mr Putin.此前两年,温和的图斯克一直耐心进行对俄外交,与普京达成融洽关系。

10.Without this knowledge, it is difficult for the physician to gain rapport with the patient or to develop insight into the illness.不了解这些,医生就很难与病人关系融洽也无法对疾病有更深入的了解。