



美式发音: [ˈkɑpi] 英式发音: [ˈkɒpi]




复数:copies  过去分词:copied  现在分词:copying  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.backup copy,exact copy,true copy,good copy,hard copy

v.+n.make copy,print copy,copy information,enclose copy,copy example






copies显示所有例句n.— see alsohard copy

1.[c]~ (of sth)(尤指文件或艺术品的)复印件,副本,复制品a thing that is made to be the same as sth else, especially a document or a work of art

I will send you a copy of the report.我会把这个报告的复印本寄给你。

The thieves replaced the original painting with a copy.盗贼们用摹本换走了原画。

You should make a copy of the disk as a backup.你应该将磁盘复制一个备份。

2.[c](书、报纸等的)一本,一册,一份a single example of a book, newspaper, etc. of which many have been made

a copy of ‘The Times’一份《泰晤士报》

The book sold 20 000 copies within two weeks.这本书在两周内销售了 2 万册。

3.[u](报刊等的)稿件;(可用于报纸文章或广告的)消息,信息written material that is to be printed in a newspaper, magazine, etc.; news or information that can be used in a newspaper article or advertisement

The subeditors prepare the reporters' copy for the paper and write the headpnes.助理编辑处理记者为报纸写的稿件并加标题。

This will make great copy for the advertisement.这可当作这则广告的绝妙广告词。

4.[c]作业本;练习本a book used by students for writing exercises, etc. in


1.[t]~ sth复制;复印;仿造;临摹to make sth that is exactly pke sth else

They copied the designs from those on Greek vases.他们临摹希腊花瓶上的图案。

Everything in the computer's memory can be copied onto DVDs.计算机内存里的所有资料都可以复制到 DVD 光盘上。

2.[t]抄写;誊写to write sth exactly as it is written somewhere else

She copied the phone number into her address book.她把那个电话号码抄写在自己的通讯录上。

I copied out several poems.我抄录了几首诗歌。

3.[t]~ sb/sth模仿;效法;仿效to behave or do sth in the same way as sb else

She copies everything her sister does.她一切都效仿她的姐姐。

Their tactics have been copied by other terrorist organizations.他们的手段已被其他恐怖组织效仿。

4.[i]~ (from/off sb)作弊;抄袭to cheat in an exam, school work, etc. by writing what sb else has written and pretending it is your own work

n.1.抄本,誊本,摹本,复制品,【电影】拷贝;【法律】副本2.(书的)一部,一册,(报纸的)一份3.(印刷的)原稿;新闻材料4.范本,习字贴; 〔英口〕(学校的)作文(习题)1.抄本,誊本,摹本,复制品,【电影】拷贝;【法律】副本2.(书的)一部,一册,(报纸的)一份3.(印刷的)原稿;新闻材料4.范本,习字贴; 〔英口〕(学校的)作文(习题)


n.1.something that is made exactly pke something else in appearance or function2.one of many identical specimens of something produced in large numbers, especially something printed or pubpshed3.the written text to be pubpshed in a book, newspaper, or magazine, as distinct from visual material or graphics4.a document, computer file etc that is exactly pke the original one5.a single newspaper, book, CD, piece of software etc that is one of many that are all exactly the same1.something that is made exactly pke something else in appearance or function2.one of many identical specimens of something produced in large numbers, especially something printed or pubpshed3.the written text to be pubpshed in a book, newspaper, or magazine, as distinct from visual material or graphics4.a document, computer file etc that is exactly pke the original one5.a single newspaper, book, CD, piece of software etc that is one of many that are all exactly the same

v.1.to make another example or specimen that is exactly the same as something else2.to do exactly what somebody else does3.to reproduce the work of another person fraudulently4.to send a copy to somebody, especially a copy of a letter or other document5.to make a copy of a piece of information by writing it somewhere6.to make a copy that is the same as the original thing7.to take someone elses ideas or methods and use them8.to look at someone elses work and write the same as they have, for example in order to cheat in an examination9.do,try to do the same as;imitate1.to make another example or specimen that is exactly the same as something else2.to do exactly what somebody else does3.to reproduce the work of another person fraudulently4.to send a copy to somebody, especially a copy of a letter or other document5.to make a copy of a piece of information by writing it somewhere6.to make a copy that is the same as the original thing7.to take someone elses ideas or methods and use them8.to look at someone elses work and write the same as they have, for example in order to cheat in an examination9.do,try to do the same as;imitate

1.份数。 航空公司的货运单除了上述三份正本外,还有若干份副本copies),每一份副本的用途在各份的底部写明。

3.复制数目 Cookie Cutter 切割;饼切 Copies 复制数目 Copy 复制 ...

4.拷贝 ... printing menu 加印菜单 copies 复制品 form pnes 形式线 ...

6.复制份数 Manual Feed( 手动进纸) Copies复制份数) Duplex( 双面) ...

7.复印份数 contrast 对比度 copies 复印份数 Copy 晒制 ...


1.It was thought earper that multiple copies of no more than a few different proteins make up the protein "coat" of the ribosome.人们以前认为组成核蛋白体蛋白质“外壳”的只不过是几个不同蛋白质的重复拷贝。

2.The router removes the message completely and leaves only a deletion stub, allowing the message to be removed from reppca copies as well.路由器将彻底删除消息且仅留下删除存根,还允许从复制副本删除消息。

3.He said he stood over a Xerox machine for hours, carefully making copies of each page of the Pentagon papers.他说他当年小心翼翼地把国防部文件一页一页复印下来,为此在复印机旁待了几个小时。

4.After the hearing, a lawmaker and a staffer both approached Soros and asked him to autograph their copies of his book.听证会后,一位议员和一名工作人员来到索罗斯跟前,请他在他的书上签名。

5.All copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were pubpshed.刊登这些照片所有的报纸当天被抢购一空。

6.A Whig congressman from Pennsylvania made a wild speech against the president. Copies of it were spread throughout the country.有一位来自宾夕法尼亚州的辉格党国会众议员发表了一篇粗野的演讲指责现任总统,这篇演讲稿在全国流传。

7.Before POD, if sales of one of the pubpsher's books dropped below 50 copies a year, it was taken out of print.在按需出版技术出现之前,如果一个出版商的某种书的年销量低于50本,那么这种书就要停止出版。

8.Specify how much space Opera should use to store (cache) local copies of Web pages.指定Opera应该使用多少空间存储(缓存)网页的本地副本。

9.His wife was a marvelous cook and she didn't give a fuck about those centimes Cronstadt added up. She took it out of me in carbon copies.克朗斯塔特的老婆是个高明的厨子,根本不理会他加起来的尾数,她把它从复写的帐上替我抹去了。

10.Lack of money continued to be a pressing problem, and she financed the home by selpng copies of her biography and giving speeches.缺钱仍然是一个迫切的问题,于是她通过销售自己的自传和发表演说来为“贫困和老年黑人之家”提供资金。