

rather than

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conj.before,sooner than,instead of,afore



na.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that one thing is preferred to another or happens instead of another

1.而不是 quiteafew 相当多的 ratherthan 而不是,而非 regardlessof 不管,不顾 ...

2.而非 quiteafew 相当多的 ratherthan 而不是,而非 regardlessof 不管,不顾 ...

3.宁愿 ... quiteafew 相当多,不少 ratherthan 宁愿……(而不);不是……(而是) regardlessof …

4.宁愿做 prefer…to… 喜欢……胜过…… prefer to…ratherthan宁愿做……而不愿做…… ...

5.胜于 runaway 逃跑 ratherthan 胜于 rightaway 立刻,马上 ...

6.句型 ... psychotherapy—— 精神疗法 ratherthan 句型 guilty 罪过罪孽 ...


1.Butwhy should anyone have bothered to produce a set of 45 stamps, ratherthan "writing" the signs afresh?但是比起费劲去刻45枚印章,制盘工人为什么不把文字直接写在湿陶上?

2.Instead, the social and demographic aspects of farming, ratherthan its productivity, may have been essential to its emergence and spread.农业兴起与传播的关键在于社会与人口学方面的优势。

3.Ratherthan just confining research opportunities to a select few, Googleexpects all engineers to be engaged in the innovation process.而不是仅仅局限于研究的机会,有选择的几个,谷歌希望所有的工程师从事创新的进程。

4.Ratherthan starting with the difficult task of redesigning your apppcation architecture, it's better to first disperse your static content.而不是首先是艰巨的任务,重新设计您的应用程序架构,最好先驱散您的静态内容。

5.These were wars of conquest, however, ratherthan being internally disruptive civilwars or foreign invasions.然而,这些战争是征服战,而不是破坏性的内战或外敌入侵。

6.It was right in Iraqtoorganise elections ratherthan impose a strongman.在伊拉克组织大选而不是强加一个政治强人也是没错的。

7.What our work contributes is that they cantrigger very different attitudes and behaviors just by mentioning time ratherthan money.我们的工作的贡献就是他们通过只提到时间而不是金钱能够激发出非常不同的态度和行为。