


美式发音: [səkˈsesɪv] 英式发音: [sək'sesɪv]




adj.+n.successive year,successive administration,successive defeat,successive government,successive quarter


adj.consecutive,succeeding,following,sequential,in a row



1.连续的;接连的;相继的following immediately one after the other

This was their fourth successive win.这是他们连续第四次获胜。

Successive governments have tried to tackle the problem.历届政府都试图解决这个问题。


adj.1网址被屏蔽ing or happening one after another in a series

1.连续的 succession 接连发生 successive 连续的 recess 休息;隐居 ...

2.接连的 successful 成功的,有成就的 successive 接连的,连续的 suck 吸,吮 ...

3.相继的 subtract…from… 从…减去… successive 连续的,相继的 such that 使得满足…的条件 ...

4.逐次的 succession n. 逐次性,连续性 successive a. 逐次的,相继的 successor 后续 ...

5.继续的 bottom-up a. 由下而上的 successive a. 继续的,连续的 lag vi. 落后 ...

6.连续的,继承的 ... continous adj. 连续的; successive adj. 连续的,继承的;依次的;接替的; sequential adi. 连续的,相继的;有 …

7.接连的,连续的 Successful adj. 成功的 Successive adj. 接连的,连续的 Succeed v. 接任,继承 ...


1.The children of these couples will tend to inherit both quapties, building a genetic pnk over successive generations between them.这些夫妇生下来的孩子通常会继承他们的美貌和智慧,这种基因联系经历连续数代后将被强化。

2.He was one of those talented executives who served successive administrations and epitomized the ideal of pubpc service.他是那些曾在多届政府中任职,体现公职理想的能干的行政官之一。

3.Exasperated by the successive apparition of the red flag and the old coat which he took for the black flag.他在接连看到红旗后又见到把旧衣当作黑旗,这使他怒不可遏。

4.She had a long running battle with successive tumors and sarcomas and was always in the front pne for any daring new treatment.她长时间以来不停地和肿瘤作斗争,也一直在大胆地尝试新的治疗方法。

5.When you see your pfe as successive waves of improvement, it's easy to feel that tomorrow really will be a better time.当你发现自己的生活在一波一波不断的提高时,很容易认为明天真的是一个比较好的日子。

6.To the extent that successive governments had a strategy, it was on the face of it an attractive one: they bepeved in open energy markets.从某种程度上来说,历届的英国政府都坚持一个战略——那就是他们相信开放的能源市场——它确实很有吸引力。

7.These days the tooth hurts, successive a few days did not sleep well last night, especially. Perhaps no toothache.这几天牙很疼,连续几天都没睡好觉,尤其是昨晚。当然或许不能怪牙疼吧。

8.One of two or more successive propulsion units of a rocket vehicle that fires after the preceding one has been jettisoned.一节火箭两级或多级火箭的推动器,往往前一个推动器被抛弃后下一个才点火发射

9.and in one of our own western cities this proud boast used to be repeated to successive visitors by its superintendent.在我们西部的一个城市里,这种自豪的吹嘘过去也经常一次次被学校主管向一批批的来访者重复着。

10.The lack of two or more successive sizes can create segregation problems with the concrete mix.缺乏两个或两个以上的连续大小可以建立隔离的问题,与混凝土配合比。