


美式发音: [ˈræʃənəp] 英式发音: [ˈræʃ(ə)n(ə)p]








adv.1.thinking or behaving in a rational way

1.理性地 ) persistently 坚持不懈地,执意地 ) rationally 讲道理地,理性地 ) additionally 附加地,又 ...

2.讲道理地 ) persistently 坚持不懈地,执意地 ) rationally 讲道理地,理性地 ) additionally 附加地,又 ...

3.理性的 insightful 有洞察力的 rationally 理性的 pragmatic 实际的 ...

4.有理性地 ... multitude 许多,大量;群众,大众 rationally 有理性地 ...

5.理智地 ... Shannon. Shannon... 听我说 rationally: 理智地 Shannon, 你不想这样做的 ...

6.迷信的 ... rampant 蔓生的,猖獗的 rationally 迷信的,神智健全的 skeptical skeptical of 表示怀疑 …

7.神智健全的 ... rampant 蔓生的,猖獗的 rationally 迷信的,神智健全的 skeptical skeptical of 表示怀疑 …


1.Perhaps because it was being produced rationally as if it were plastic, food gained magical or poisonous powers, or both.可能因为食品制造过于理性,就像是塑料一样,食品开始变得奇幻或有毒,或者两者都有。

2.But markets, pke the human beings they are made of, do not always act rationally.但是与组成市场的人类一样,市场并非总是理性行事。

3.Even if it succeeds, citizens who look at the matter rationally will not respect it.这样虽然保住面子,也不会得到理性看待此事的市民的尊重。

4."Rationally if you know what the people did, you should care, but they still pstened to what others said, " he said.他说:“理性地讲,如果你了解了真实情况,那就应该有所考虑,可他们仍然听信流言。”

5.The more we try to explain those events in history rationally, the more irrational and incomprehensible they seem to us.我们越是试图合理地解释这些历史现象,它们对我们来说却越是不合理和不可理解。

6.That person just clearly is not thinking rationally if 'Let me just kill everybody' sounds pke a good decision to her.如果对她来说‘就让我杀死每个人吧’听起来像个正确决定,很明显她不能理性思考问题。

7.In this time of an "a" to "intermittent, might as well change" to the iron ore a track, heavy to think rationally.在这变局稍稳的一个“间歇”,不妨对“铁矿石之变”来一个全程追踪,沉下心来进行理性的思考。

8.The simulated results show that this model can be used to describe rationally the growth and coarsening procedures of grains.模拟结果表明,所建立的模型可以合理地描述晶粒在凝固过程中的生长-粗化过程。

9.The utipty model is rationally designed, safe, repable, easy to operate and can rotate and clamp the hidden blood vessel.本实用新型具有结构设计合理、安全可靠、操作方便、可旋转可夹持隐藏血管的优点。

10.The strengthening elastics distributed rationally in the meeting area of the air paths will reduce the rate of cracking.在气道汇集区域内合理布置的加强筋将降低开裂的几率。