


美式发音: ['ɪndi] 英式发音: ['ɪndi]





1.印第安那波利斯式赛车,印第车赛(跑道中间低而两侧高)motor racing around a track which is raised at both sides

1.印地 I●Ibert 伊贝尔特, .●Indy 丹第, .●Ippiptov-Ivanov 伊凡诺夫, ...

4.印地赛车彩的庆祝活动。印第安纳波利斯("Indy")500英里赛车——按某种标准来说世界规模最大的单日体育项目——吸引着世界各地大 …

6.印第赛车2011年及2012年印第赛车(Indy)爱民顿站推广公司Octane Motorsports Events Inc.上周五宣布,该公司明年不会再筹办在印第 …


8.英迪英迪(Indy)是一只冠军平毛寻回犬,主人是玛丽·赖特(Mary Wright)。赖特位于新泽西州怀科夫(Wyckoff)的房产要价接近190万美 …


1.Spielberg's reply was that the only way it could be done would be if Indy pulled out his gun and "just shot the guy. "斯皮尔伯格说缩短的唯一办法是印第拔出枪来“直接崩了那个家伙”。

2.It was a real good car already in the Indy race, but it did not work out exactly right.在印第安纳波利斯,车子就显示了足够好的性能,不过在美国它并未被发挥出来。

3.If the Indy 500 teams are off by the thickness of a few sheets of paper, a once-front-running car can find itself laps down in a hurry.如果印地500赛车有几张纸厚的调校出入也会让一度领先车手迅速败下阵来。

4.Q. Monza has similar characteristics to Montreal and Indy . Do you think it could be one of the worst Grands Prix for you?蒙扎赛道具有和蒙特利尔赛道及印第安纳波利斯赛道相似的特性,你觉得这是你战绩最糟的赛道之一么?

5.Indiana Jones: [Indy swings by his whip and crashes through the windshield of a Commie truck] Damn, I thought that was closer!印地安那.琼斯(被他的鞭子荡了过去,撞碎了挡风玻璃,冲进了苏联特工的卡车里):该死,我就觉得有点太近了!

6.FAA Washington centre: Now let me tell you this story here. Ah, Indy, Indianapops Center was working this guy.联邦航空总局华盛顿中心:现在让我告诉你,嗯,印第安纳波利斯-因迪中心曾和他联线。

7.As a busy media executive, reach as many young affluent people as you can with the Indy Compact.作为一个行政繁忙的媒体,达成许多年轻富有的人,你可以与印地契约。

8.Wheldon captured his second Indy 500 in his first race of the year, getting behind the wheel in a one-race deal for Bryan Herta Autosport.威尔顿抓获了今年第一场比赛他的第二次印地500,后面的一站比赛的布莱恩赫塔处理赛车运动轮得到。

9.If you wish to handle this exception yourself you may, otherwise Indy will handle it and take the appropriate actions for you automatically.您可以以您自己的方式处理这个异常,否则的话Indy组件将会处理这个异常并且为您实现正确的处理。

10.The amazing action of the Indy car series hits high gear with a tough open world racing of North America.印地系列赛车的北美站的艰难全球大赛十分活跃。