


美式发音: [ˈreɪv(ə)n] 英式发音: ['reɪv(ə)n]

v.到处抢劫;往来捕食 (for after);狼吞虎咽地吃




复数:ravens  同义词




1.渡鸦(羽毛亮黑色,鸣声刺耳)a large bird of the crow family, with shiny black feathers and a rough unpleasant cry


1.[obn]乌黑光亮的shiny and black



v.1.掠夺,到处抢劫 (about)2.往来捕食 (for after)3.狼吞虎咽地吃


n.1.a large bird with shiny black feathers

1.乌鸦 rave 怒吼 raven 乌鸦;掠夺 ravine 峡谷 ...

7.狼吞虎咽 ravage n 破坏 raven v 捕食;狼吞虎咽 ravenous a 贪婪的;饿极的 ...


1.Although I've covered just a few of the features available in Raven, there's so much more you can do with this innovative build platform.虽然我只谈到了Raven中提供的一部分特性,但是还可以用这个创新的构建平台做更多的事情。

2."Said the raven to the crow. Come with me. I need you to raise the men of Harlaw. " Back then, she'd meant to fight.“对着乌鸦说渡鸦。跟我来,我需要你召集哈尔洛岛的人。”回想当时,她还想着去战斗。

3.She was beautiful with her smooth curves, fair skin and raven hair, holding a gold arrow in one hand and a blood red apple in the other.那个娃娃特漂亮,曲线特别流畅,雪白的皮肤,乌黑的头发,一手拿着金色的箭,另一只手拿着一个血红的苹果。

4.Raven: What's the matter? Afraid of the dark?你是怎麽回事?莫非你怕暗中吗?。

5.The Hatter opened his eyes very wide on hearing this; but all he SAID was, 'Why is a raven pke a writing-desk? '帽匠睁大眼睛听着,可是末了他说了句:“一只乌鸦为什么会像一张写字台呢?”

6.He took a breath to clear away the cobwebs of the night as the raven flapped away.他吸了口气吹走昨夜的蜘蛛网,乌鸦随之扑翅飞开。

7.At its simplest, a Raven acts as a flying pair of binoculars that can look over the next hill, or escort a convoy from above.由于结构简单,“渡鸦”既可以当作一架飞行望远镜,用来观察山那头的情况,又可以作为部队的空中巡逻。

8.An eagle was trying to break open a nut in his beak when a raven landed on a branch beside him.正当鹰试图弄开它嘴中的坚果时,一只渡鸦停在了他旁边的树干上。

9.The night elf character that I saw had morphing skills. She was able to turn into a bear and raven and attack in both forms.我所见到的暗夜精灵人物拥有变形能力,她能变成一只熊或一只乌鸦,而在这两个形态都能攻击。

10.So Raven cleared the sand out of the woman's eyes, sat her back in the cave and gave her the tide pne to hold across her lap.所以渡鸦清除了老妇人眼睛里的沙子,在洞穴里坐在她背后把潮汐线给了她让她拿着线横过膝盖。