



美式发音: [ˈkpnər] 英式发音: [ˈkpːnə(r)]





复数:cleaners  同义词

n.domestic,home help,help,char,domestic worker



1.清洁工a person whose job is to clean other people's houses or offices, etc.

an office cleaner办公室清洁工

2.吸尘器;清洁剂;去污剂a machine or substance that is used for cleaning

a vacuum cleaner真空吸尘器

a bottle of kitchen cleaner一瓶厨房清洁剂

3.干洗店a shop/store where clothes, curtains, etc. are cleaned, especially with chemicals

Can you pick up my suit from the cleaner's?你能帮我从干洗店取回我的套装吗?




n.1.a chemical substance used for cleaning things2.a piece of equipment used for cleaning things3.someone whose job is to clean the rooms in a building

adv.1.The comparative of clean

adj.1.The comparative of clean

1.洗衣店 china 中国,瓷器 cleaners 洗衣店 clever 聪明的 ...

2.清洁剂 有机硅胶 Silpcone 清洗剂 Cleaners 搜狐( Sohu) ...

4.保洁员 保安: Security: 保洁员Cleaners: 前台收银员: The front desk cashier: ...

5.清洁器 Civil Engineers: 土木工程师 Cleaners: 清洁器 Cleaning - Household: 房屋清洁 ...

6.干洗店 day care center 托儿所 cleaners 干洗店 donut store 甜甜圈店 ...

7.清理工具 ... 2.备份工具 Backup Tools 5.清理工具 Cleaners 6.设备驱动管理工具 Device Driver Tools ...


1.For some reason all the bathroom cleaners I've encountered are women who seem to be on a schedule.我在中国碰到的卫生间清洁工似乎都是按值勤表工作的,而且由于某些原因,都是女清洁工。

2.If I could take a couple minutes of your time, I would pke to demonstrate the very latest in high-powered vacuum cleaners.年轻人说到,“我能占用您几分钟的时间吗?我想为您展示一下最新的高性能的吸尘器。”

3.He was trying to make safe surface coatings for food containers using chemicals less hazardous than those found in household cleaners.他想使用比家庭清洁剂危险还小的化学制剂给食品容器做安全的表面涂层。

4.Do not use abrasive kitchen cleaners, as they will scratch the surface.不要使用磨料厨房清洁剂,因为它们将触及表面而伤害到它。

5.India, which had only just removed quantitative restrictions on imports, braced itself to be taken to the cleaners.印度当时刚刚取消定量进口限制,因此做好了被击垮的准备。

6.Mr. Chanos grew up in Milwaukee, one of three sons born to the owners of a chain of dry cleaners.Chanos在密尔沃基长大,是干洗店连锁业主的三个儿子之一。

7.Cleaners froze a moment, shook his head, only with the pair of hands frozen stiff brush orange peel was erased again.清洁工愣了一下,摇了摇头,只得用那双冻得发僵的手又把桔子皮扫得一干二净。

8.She married, as her mother had done at her age, and was drawn into the family business, which by this time was a chain of dry cleaners.她结婚了,正如她母亲在她这个年龄所做的一样,她进入了家族生意,当时是一家干洗连锁店。

9.He said that British Prime Minister to pay the cleaners to the matters referred to his brother Andrew to deal with.他说,英国首相把付款给清洁工人的事宜,交由他的弟弟安德鲁去处理。

10.Enemas , douches and other cleaners will not be able to get all the germs and bacteria out of the rectum.灌肠剂、灌肠器或其他方法都不能完全杀灭直肠内的细菌和微生物。