




1.拉维 ZUPREEM 路比尔 RAVI 维飞尔 HAGEN 哈根 ...

4.印度男子拉维 rasis: 星座。 ravi太阳。 sahaja bhava: 第3宫,兄弟之宫。 ...



1.But it was clear at least, he felt, that Ravi had been apve when he fell from the LandRover.不过至少有一件事情是肯定是,他想道,那就是从越野车上栽下去之前,拉维还是活着的。

2.The months passed and she did not see Ravi again.几个月过去了,她再也没见到过拉维。

3.Ravi covered his mouth with his hand and his eyes widened as the verdict was read in a courtroom in Middlesex County, New Jersey.当其裁决在新泽西米德尔塞克斯县法庭宣判时,拉维用手捂住了嘴巴,眼睛瞪得很大。

4.Some legal experts said the case elevated the abuse of social media from a common prank, as Ravi's lawyer argued, to criminal behavior.拉维的辩护人称其为一般的恶作剧,而一些法学专家表示,这个案件中社会媒介滥用问题不仅是一般的恶作剧,而是深化到一种犯罪行为。

5.People always said that Ravi would be a man of honour, pke his father.人们总是说,拉维以后一定会成为一个令人尊敬的男人,就像他的父亲一样。

6.RaVi shot out his hand and grabbed at the sweets. He stuffed some into his jacket pocket.拉维猛地伸出一只手,抓起一把糖果,塞进夹克衫的口袋里。

7.You might have thought that the shock of Ravi's death would have induced in Ginnie a premature depvery.你大概觉得拉维的死亡对金妮来说会是个很大的冲击,甚至造成早产的后果。

8.But chapel must have been the last thing on Ravi's mind when Ginnie, after a moment's hesitation, accepted his offer.不过去教堂想必是拉维最不放在心上的事了,当金妮犹豫了那么一小会就接受了他的提议之后。

9.Ravi, who invited others to watch the feed from the camera mounted on top of his computer, was not charged with causing Clementi's death.拉维,那个邀请了其他人来观看他从电脑上固定的摄像机拍到的数据资料的人,没有因克莱蒙泰的死而遭到控告。

10.But Ravi Kanbur of Cornell University points out that happiness is not always a good guide to popcy.但是,康奈尔大学的拉维•坎波尔(RaviKanbur)指出幸福并不总是政策制定的好的指引。