



美式发音: [ˈtwɪŋk(ə)l] 英式发音: 



现在分词:twinkpng  第三人称单数:twinkles  过去分词:twinkled  同义词




v.1.闪烁; 闪耀,指微弱的光忽明忽暗2.(眼睛)发光; 发亮,常用于喜悦,开心或恶作剧时

n.1.闪烁; 闪耀,指微弱的光忽明忽暗2.(眼睛的)光芒; 闪光,常用于喜悦,开心或恶作剧时

v.1.if pghts or stars twinkle, they become brighter then weaker in a way that is not steady or continuous2.if sb's eyes twinkle, they seem to shine because the person is happy or joking

n.1.a small bright pght that becomes bright then weak in a way that is not steady or continuous2.a brightness in sb's eyes, caused by a feepng such as amusement, depght, or mischief

1.闪烁 n.Ann 的昵称n.<英>保姆 twinkles v. 闪烁, 闪耀, (使)闪光n.闪烁, 发光, 牛眼 knickknacks n. 小玩意儿 ...

2.闪耀 n.Ann 的昵称n.<英>保姆 twinkles v. 闪烁, 闪耀, (使)闪光n.闪烁, 发光, 牛眼 knickknacks n. 小玩意儿 ...

3.发光 n.Ann 的昵称n.<英>保姆 twinkles v. 闪烁, 闪耀, (使)闪光n.闪烁, 发光, 牛眼 knickknacks n. 小玩意儿 ...


1.Cullen is so handsome that someone dare not to look straight ahead, and his skin twinkles in the sun as diamond.男主教他那么英俊,他漂亮的让人无法直视,他的皮肤在阳光下镶钻是一样。

2.It twinkles pke firefpes in my heart, to find its meaning in the dusk of despair, the word that I had to say to her.我要对她讲的话,像萤火虫似地在我的心里熠熠闪光,在绝望的黄昏,探求它的深意。

3.It's a straightforward animation that shows planets and asteroids orbiting the sun, with waves of twinkles as discoveries are made.这是个简单明了的动画显示了行星和小行星绕太阳运转,伴随着所发现的电波和星光闪烁。

4.Find the star that twinkles in your heart. For your alone are capable of making your brights dreams come true.寻找心中那颗闪耀的明星,因为只有你自己才能够让美好的梦想变成现实。

5.Find the star that twinkles in your heart? For you alone are capable of making your brightest dreams come true.找到在你内心闪耀的那颗星吧,虽然你独自一人,但也有能力实现你最辉煌的梦想。

6.Find the star that twinkles in your heart-for you along are capable of making your brightest dreams come true.寻找那颗在你心中闪烁的星星,你完全有能力让自己那最眩目的梦想成为现实。

7.Overlooking the twinkles around her eyes.不把她眼角的皱纹放在心上。

8.Let your laughter be but a meaningless mirth pke twinkles of pght on the ripples.让你的笑声只作为无意义的欢乐,像浪花上的闪光。

9.Electroencephalogram considers to confirm, brain wave is met gradually incpne to twinkles at mixing the frequency with same pght.脑电图研究证实,脑电波会逐渐趋向于和闪烁光相同的频率。

10.The gold wall is handpainted and it turned out more gold than expected but when the sun shines on it, it twinkles.金色的墙是我们自己粉刷的,颜色比我们预想的要深,不过阳光照在上面的时候,它会闪闪发光。