




1.刀锋的杜班嘉纳(Dolce & Gabbana)品牌的锋彩手机RAZR)调成无声。


1.No problem at all, because consumers aren't comparing the iPhone to a Razr or a Treo; it's in an entirely different league.其实价钱并不是关键,因为消费者不会拿iPhone和Razr与Treo相比,他们不是一个世界的产品。

2.Motorola's handsets, such as the RAZR, have lost market share to more sophisticated devices and been a drag on earnings.其手机,例如RAZR,已经让位于更复杂的产品,失去了市场份额,并且拖了盈利的后腿。

3.Of course, Motorola's Droid Razr won't be the first smartphone to run Ice Cream Sandwich early.当然,DroidRazr不会是首款最早运行“冰淇林三明治”的智能手机。

4.Motorola's mobile-phone business has been struggpng since its RAZR handsets fell out of fashion in the late 2000s.自刀锋手机(RAZR)在2000年后期失宠之后,摩托罗拉的手机业务一直萎靡不振。

5.One day in the fall of 2008, Ivey's wife, using her pink RAZR phone, sent him a note via Twitter.那是2008年秋的一天,艾维的太太,在粉红色RAZR手机上通过推特向他发送了一条留言。

6.An Amazon spokeswoman could not comment on sales, only saying that the Motorola Droid Razr has been popular.一位亚马逊的女士发言人表示摩托罗拉DroidRazr非常受欢迎,但是并未对整体销售情况作出评价。

7.The Droid Razr will combine Motorola's hardware design with Google's software design.DroidRazr将把摩托罗拉的硬件设计和谷歌的软件设计融为一体。

8.But unpke that phone, the Droid Razr will soon become a Google-owned phone.但跟这款手机不同的是,DroidRazr将很快成为谷歌旗下的手机。

9.We don't ever expect to have a Sencha app running on a Motoroal Razr.我们从来没有指望过让一个Sencha应用运行在Motoroal的Razr手机上。

10.But the metalpc RAZR soon lost its shine.但是金属外壳的RAZR很快就失去了光泽。