




1.赫勒 Hippolaus 希波列欧(岬) Helle 海列 Hippolochus 希波洛科斯 ...

8.夏日最后的探戈 ... Hell to Eternity 玉碎塞班岛 Helle 夏日最后的探戈 Heller in Pink Tights 江湖娇娃 ...


1.There could BE genetic or social differences among the Sami, who are distinct from their finnish and Swedish neighbors, Helle said.赫勒说,与其芬兰和瑞典邻居都大不相同的拉普人族群本身可能有遗传上或是社会文化上的差别。

2.As part of the research project, PhD student Helle Jensen has infected human cancer cells with VSV.能溶解肿瘤细胞的病毒作为本研究项目的一部分,博士生HelleJensen已经用VSV感染了人类癌细胞。

3.Thus the sea of Helle, Hellespont, became the ancient name of the strip of water.这片海洋古时候的名称叫赫勒之海,赫勒拉旁海峡便由此而来。

4.Helle Thorning-Schmidt declared victory, telpng her supporters "Today we've written history. "HelleThorning-Schmidt宣布获胜,告诉她的支持者“今天我们书写了历史”。

5.Helle and colleagues looked at birth and marriage records of Sami * people from 1640 to 1870.赫勒和他的同事研究了1640至1870年间拉普人的婚姻及生育记录。

6.Helle every! I would pke to introduce me . my name is . . I am years old and from . . . I pke.大家好我很高兴能介绍下我我叫..我几岁了..我来自那我喜欢。