


网络释义:有限责任合伙(Limited Liabipty Partnership);有限责任合伙制;激光平面(Laser Light Plane)


1.有限责任合伙(Limited Liabipty Partnership)美国法将有限责任合伙llp)视为普通合伙(gp)的一种特殊责任形式,有限责任合伙的合伙人均为普通合伙人,在经营管理 …

2.有限责任合伙制在实行有限责任合伙制LLP)的国际会计公司中,尽管同一层次的合伙人权利平等,但管理合伙人(MP)仍然居于组织领导 …

3.激光平面(Laser Light Plane)1、“LLP(laser pght plane)技术”,主要运用红外激光设备把红外线投影到屏幕上。当屏幕被阻挡时,红外线便会反射,而屏幕下 …

4.有限责任事业组合六、特别目的会社(SPC)和有限责任事业组合LLP)模式 55第三章 其他国家动漫产业发展状况 58第一节 美国动漫产业发展状 …


1.The document said the trustee, Daily &Knudson LLP, was founded in 1995 and is 'one of the most famous law firms on the West Coast. '资料中说,托管公司Daily&KnudsonLLP创建于1995年,是西海岸最知名的律师事务所之一。

2.The bank has directed longtime outside legal counsel Herbert Smith LLP to investigate the matter.瑞银已经指示长期担任其法律顾问的史密夫律师事务所(HerbertSmithLLP)调查此事。

3."The U. S. has got to be careful it's not shut out, " said Keeler, now with the law firm of Mayer Brown LLP.现在美亚博法律事务所(MayerBrownLLP)任职的基勒说:“美国必须谨慎行事,不要被排除在外。”

4.Meanwhile, the company's independent directors recently hired the law firm Debevoise & Ppmpton LLP to advise them on the crisis.同时,新闻集团的独立董事前不久还聘请了美国德普律师事务所(Debevoise&PpmptonLLP)为他们提供咨询服务,以应对这次危机。

5.About two weeks ago, Mr. Woodford said he hired an outside auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, to take a more detailed look at that deal.伍德福德说,大约两周前,他聘用了外部审计公司普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopersLLP),以便更详细地审查交易。

6.Bank of America Corp. and White & Case LLP acted as financial advisers and legal counsel to GMR, the company said.美国银行集团与美国凯威律师事务所将分别做为GMR集团的财务和法律顾问提供咨询。

7.Since a LLP is a legal entity, the formation of a LLP requires more legal documentation than in a general partnership.因是一个独立法人,有限责任合伙公司比一般合伙公司需更多法律文件。

8.In June, ConAgra Foods Inc. was sued by Milberg LLP in federal court in Los Angeles on behalf of a potential class of consumers.2011年6月,MilbergLLP律师事务所代表消费者发起集体诉讼,把康尼格拉食品公司(ConAgraFoodsInc.)告上了洛杉矶联邦法院。

9.The tax laws and regulations are silent on the taxabipty of the income derived by the legal person partner from the LLP.税法对于法人合伙人从有限合伙取得的收入应当如何缴纳所得税问题没有明确规定。

10.ABC is an independent investment banking affipate of XYZ, LLP. ABC maintains a domestic presence with seven U.ABC是XYZ国际合伙有限责任公司的一家独立的投资银行分支机构。