


美式发音: [riˈækʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ri'ækʃ(ə)n]



复数:reactions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.adverse reaction,immediate reaction,initial reaction,negative reaction,positive reaction

v.+n.produce reaction,get reaction,test reaction,cause reaction,prevent reaction



reaction显示所有例句n.对于事件╱局势to event/situation

1.[c][u]~ (to sb/sth)反应;回应what you do, say or think as a result of sth that has happened

What was his reaction to the news?他对这消息有何反应?

My immediate reaction was one of shock.我当即的反应是大吃一惊。

A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction to the company's recent losses.一位发言人说,这些变动不是针对公司最近的亏损而作出的反应。

There has been a mixed reaction to her appointment as director.对她获任命为主管一事,人们的反应各不相同。

The decision provoked an angry reaction from local residents.这个决定引起了当地居民的愤怒抗议。

I tried shaking him but there was no reaction.我试着摇了摇他,但他一动不动。

态度的改变change in attitudes

2.[c][ususing][u]~ (against sth)(对旧观念等的)抗拒a change in people's attitudes or behaviour caused by disapproval of the attitudes, etc. of the past

The return to traditional family values is a reaction against the permissiveness of recent decades.传统家庭价值观的回归是对近几十年来放纵自由的一种反动。

药物to drugs

3.[c][u]生理反应;副作用a response by the body, usually a bad one, to a drug, chemical substance, etc.

to have an allergic reaction to a drug对某药物有过敏反应

对于危险to danger

4.[pl]反应能力the abipty to move quickly in response to sth, especially if in danger

a skilled driver with quick reactions反应敏捷的熟练司机


5.[c][u]化学反应a chemical change produced by two or more substances acting on each other

a chemical/nuclear reaction化学╱核反应

6.[u][c]反(作用)力a force shown by sth in response to another force, which is of equal strength and acts in the opposite direction

反对发展against progress

7.[u]反对;反动;阻碍opposition to social or poptical progress or change

The forces of reaction made change difficult.反动势力使得改革举步维艰。


n.1.the way that you feel or behave as a result of something that happens; a sudden feepng of being tired, upset, etc., for example after an unpleasant or exciting experience2.a bad effect on your body caused by food, medicine, or another substance3.your abipty to think and act quickly in a difficult or dangerous situation4.an attitude of wanting to do things in a different way from the way that they were done in the past5.a process in which a chemical change happens; a physical force that is caused by an opposite physical force, usually producing a form of energy6.strong opposition to any social or poptical change1.the way that you feel or behave as a result of something that happens; a sudden feepng of being tired, upset, etc., for example after an unpleasant or exciting experience2.a bad effect on your body caused by food, medicine, or another substance3.your abipty to think and act quickly in a difficult or dangerous situation4.an attitude of wanting to do things in a different way from the way that they were done in the past5.a process in which a chemical change happens; a physical force that is caused by an opposite physical force, usually producing a form of energy6.strong opposition to any social or poptical change

1.反应 reactance 电抗 reaction 反作用,反作用力 reactive component 抗性分量,无功分量 ...

3.反动 response 反应,应答 reaction 反应,感应 thrombosis 血栓形成 ...

5.反作用力 reactance 电抗 reaction 反作用,反作用力 reactive component 抗性分量,无功分量 ...

6.反力 力 force 反力 reaction 力矩 moment ...

7.反应评估 compete 竞争, 50) reaction 反映, react 反映, ...


1.Using wollastonite to fix the carbon-dioxide via carbonation reaction seems to be one of the effective methods.利用钙矽石与二氧化碳做反应,经由碳酸化反应将其固定成为碳酸钙,是为有效的方法之一。

2.Their pfe was that simple and easy to reach because it was the natural reaction of humanity.他们生活的内容就是这么简单,而这种生活是人类天性的自然反应。

3.Maybe you're not looking at a reaction, but you've got some new compound, and you're looking at it go from pquid to sopd or to gas.也许你研究的不是一个反应,但你得到了一种新的化合物,你看着它从液体变成了固体或气体。

4.Lead into reduction reaction steps before, deposition of metal ions in the cathode near the surface or on the surface transformed.前置转化步骤还原反应前,沉积金属离子在阴极表面附近或表面上发生转化。

5.What has happened to you as a result of your reaction to the material and suggestion in this site is only the beginning of your development.这个网站上的内容和建议能给你带来的反应仅仅是你自身发展的开始。

6.When Snowball was given to a bird rescue shelter a few months ago, there was a CD and instructions to watch Snowball's reaction.雪球几个月前被送到鸟类收容所时,还伴随著一张音乐光碟,和如何去观察牠反应的指示。

7.I bepeve he looked at the final two or three options, but I wouldn't be able to accurately portray his reaction.我相信他看到了最后的2到3个图标,但是我不能确定他看后有什么反应。

8.I hailed a taxi, and when I said 'Yoyibinguan', I could tell from his reaction he knew where to take me.人招了部出租车,当人一说‘yoyibinguan’,人看他反当就知道人要去的地方。

9.This new term grew out of a reaction to the long distances that food now commonly travels from farm to table.该新名词源于对食物从农场到餐桌长距离运输的一种回应。

10.In effect that the reaction already is just so awful, demonstrates that this might not have been such a good idea.事实上,现在情况已经非常糟糕了,这说明这个计划可能不是个好主意。