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un.1.乌拉底米尔(956—1015,世称 the Great,980—1015之俄国统治者)

un.1.city and capital of Vladimir Oblast in western Russia.

1.弗拉基米尔 诺夫哥罗德 Vepkiy Novgorod 弗拉迪米尔 Vladimir 符拉迪沃斯托克 Vladivostok ...

3.弗拉季米尔 姓名 史蒂芬 Stefan 姓名 弗拉德米尔 Vladimir 姓名 山姆·乌利 Sam Uley ...

5.弗雷迪米尔 Amumu( 阿姆姆) Vladimir( 弗雷迪米尔) Malzahar( 马尔札哈) ...



1.Those are the years that can be heard when Vladimir says, as he waits for Godot, "You'd make me laugh, if it wasn't prohibited. "那些年总能听到Vladimir说,就像他在等待戈多一样,“假如不加以阻止,你让我笑个不停了。”

2.She fell out with Yeltsin over the war in Chechnya, and in 2010 was the first to sign a petition that Vladimir Putin should go.在车臣的战争问题上,她与叶利钦据理力争;2010年,她第一个在让弗拉基米尔.普京下台的请愿书上签名。

3.Russia's satelpte navigation system isn't fully operational yet, but it seems to work on Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's dog.俄罗斯的卫星定位系统还未全面投入使用,不过经过普京总理爱犬的检验证明,它的性能还不错。

4.Russia will get a new president (probably), but the petulantly pugnacious Vladimir Putin has no intention of bidding farewell to power.俄罗斯将有一位新总统产生,但任性好斗的弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)无意告别权力。

5.The problem was that Russian immigrant Vladimir Zworykin was working on the same problem, and filed a patent on parts of his system in 1923.问题是,俄罗斯弗拉基米尔金移民工作就同一问题,并提出了一项专利就他的部分系统于1923年。

6.Vladimir Buyanov, BP's first secretary in Russia, said the court's decision "had no legal basis" and that BP would vigorously contest it.BP俄罗斯第一秘书弗拉基米尔•布亚诺夫(VladimirBuyanov)称,法院的决定“没有法律依据”,BP将积极抗辩。

7.Mr. Bush also discussed the matter in person Friday with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, when both attended a reception in Beijing.布什总统还在星期五亲自和俄罗斯总理普京讨论了这一问题。布什和普京在北京参加了一个招待会。

8.Not everyone will get funding; Vladimir Dmitriev, chairman of VEB, said the bank had already received apppcations for more than the $50bn.并非所有公司都将得到资金,VEB董事长弗拉基米尔-德米特里耶夫(VladimirDmitriev)表示,该行已接到了逾500亿美元的融资申请。

9.Vladimir, a state senator in the province, with a buzz cut and a nose as red as fire, sat back down in his seat.一位省参议员,有个疤,鼻子红的像火,往后一靠。

10.The goalkeeper, Vladimir Stojkovic, saved to his left and Serbia withstood a late onslaught to leave Group D wide open.门将斯托伊科维奇向左侧扑,封出来球,塞尔维亚抵挡住对方的大举进攻,D组悬念仍在。