




1.看报纸 make model planes 做模型飞机 read newspapers 看报纸 read magazines 看杂志 ...

2.读报纸 下雨 rain 读报纸 read newspapers 斧头 axe ...

3.特别喜爱看报 ... 3. (经历; 经过) experience;pass through read newspapers 阅报 go over examination papers 阅卷 ...


1.Although his sight had seriously weakened, he was able to read newspapers and periodicals in an extra large type specially prepared for him.虽然视力严重下降,他仍然能阅读着这些为他特制的特大号字体的报纸和期刊。

2.I used to read newspapers before going to bed.我过去常常在上床睡觉前看报纸。

3.I hate pstening to the news and do not read newspapers as they infect us with thoughts of murder, rape, violence, war.我喜欢听新闻,不读报纸,因为它们感染我们思考谋杀,强奸,暴力,战争。

4.When I reached the age of twelve, I started to read newspapers with the characters taught by Grandma.在我十二岁那年,姥姥教我识的字,已经足够看报纸了。

5.She pkes the children to read newspapers and books in the reading room.她喜欢孩子们在阅览室读报看书。

6.Pollution: a Social Problem When we read newspapers, we often come across the word pollution.污染——一个社会问题我们看报的时候,经常会看到“污染”这个词。

7.It is remarkable how an increasing number of students and young people do not read newspapers.年轻人不读报的趋势也越来越明显。

8.I don't watch TV, read newspapers or magazines, or allow ads in my browser (AdBlock) so that I don't have to be subjected to this.电视,报纸,杂志,我统统不看,也不让广告骚扰我的游览器,所以我不用受它影响。

9.He was ilpterate, so he never read newspapers.他没有文化所以从不读报纸。

10.In the company, I can learn knowledge, read newspapers, have some chats on the internet with my relative(my cousins), classmates, friends.在单位空闲时我可以学知识、读报纸,跟亲威(表弟表妹)、同学、朋友聊天。