




1.读报纸 ... Passing customs 过海关 Reading newspaper 读报纸 Talking aboutforeign university 谈国外学校 ...

2.看报 ... 图片 Paragpder 看报纸图片 Reading Newspaper 风景图片 Quadricolor landscape ...


1.Dad loved to read. Reading newspaper was his favourite pastime. He would relate the news to his neighbours.爹是书迷,一有空就看书看报,看到新鲜事,就出去讲给老夥计们听。

2.After reading newspaper, I strung them together with a strip of sticky tape. Then I decided to go back to my studio.在阅读了报纸后,我用一窄条胶带把它们捆缚在一起,然后我决定回画室去。

3.They followed Peter, and went out of the supermarket. Peter was reading newspaper while waiting for the bus.他们跟着彼得走出了超市,他正在一边等公车,一边读报纸。

4.But with the new Economic module you also can spend more time with your citizen if you want, besides reading newspaper articles.然而在新经济模块下,除开看中央日报你还可以做些别的事情打发时间。

5.When reading newspaper or surfing the Internet, we are often attracted by the news or reports about academic plagiarizing.当读报纸或上网冲浪,我们经常所吸引,新闻或有关学术剽窃的报告。

6.They were talking on the phone or reading newspaper. I only wanted to take a rest.有的打电话,有的看报纸,我还是歇歇吧。

7.Mom is preparing desserts for watching TV, her cuisine is pretty good. Dad is reading newspaper about sports, especially football.妈妈正在准备晚上看电视时的甜点,她厨艺相当精湛。父亲正在阅读关于体育的报纸,尤其是足球相关的内容。翻译由作文地带提供。

8.Some people sat in chairs on the duck. They were drinking, reading newspaper, taking pictures, and chatting with each other.一些人坐在甲板上的椅子上,有喝饮料,看报纸,照相和聊天的人。

9.We can learn some knowledge what do not on the book through reading newspaper , and can broaden our horizons.看报能使我们学到课本上没有的知识,开阔视野。

10.My grandfather fell asleep suddenly when he was reading newspaper in the sofa.爷爷看报纸时在沙发上突然睡了过去。