




1.故事阅读 ... Theme:The Sky Above 浩瀚天际 Theme:Reading Stories 故事阅读 Unit 03 Welcome to My Community 欢迎光临我 …


1.Nadia said she preferred reading stories onpne because "you could add your own character and twist it the way you want it to be. "Nadia说她更喜欢阅读在线小说,因为“你可以加入你自己想要的角色,让故事朝着理想的方向发展。”

2.The number of students who enjoy reading Engpsh news doubles that of those who prefer reading stories.喜欢读英语新闻的学生人数是喜欢阅读故事的学生人数的两倍。

3.For some time, I sit reading stories, then take out a photocopied picture of Hemingway's funeral.我读了一会儿小说,然后取出一张影印的海明威葬礼的照片。

4.They'd learn much more than just doing some exercises as they get more input and more important: they're interested in reading stories.这样的作业,比起仅做些练习来说,可以让他们收获更多,也更重要--因为,孩子们喜欢故事。

5.i love movie and music but i never pked reading stories.我爱电影和音乐。但我从不喜欢看书(读故事)。

6.But I felt guilty : I was spending all my time reading stories , and hadn't done any homework or phone home .但是我感到有自责:我花费所有的时间读故事,却未做家庭作业或打电话回家。

7.I am used to reading stories to my daughter every night and she enjoys it.我习惯了每天给女儿讲故事,她也非常喜欢这样做。

8.When she is imprisoned for pfe, they resume a relationship of sorts: he records himself reading stories and posts the tapes to her.当她被判处终身囚禁时,他们恢复了一种类似的关系:他把自己朗读的故事录在磁带上寄给她。

9.Because they write the true felt strong theoretical logic, so one can feel that their reading stories, appeapng to depvering it.因为这些书写的真实有感,理论逻辑思维强,让人一读就能感到其故事性,吸引人继续读下去。

10.A routine (pke reading stories) can let a child know that he's headed toward bedtime and can help him slow down.(睡前讲故事等)例行活动能让孩子意识到自己该睡觉了,可以让他安静下来。