


美式发音: 英式发音: ['reigən]





na.1.Reagan ,Ronald (Wilson) 里根,罗纳德(威尔逊)(1911- ),美国第40任总统(1981-1989)

1.里根 Truman 杜鲁门总统 Reagan 里根总统 Carter 卡特总统 ...



1.Lesley Stahl got a quick tutorial in that when she did a scathing report on the Reagan budget cuts and expected rebuke from the White House.莱斯利斯塔尔了在这个快速教程时,她做了里根削减预算,并从白宫预计训斥严厉报告。

2.Now I'll type in how much I make, and how much I will save under Ronald Reagan's8 tax cuts.现在我得输入我能挣多少、根据罗纳德·里根总统的减税政策我又能省多少。

3.Reagan was something of a mystery to me, at once friendly and distant.对我来说,里根是个有点像谜一样的人物,让人感觉既友好又有距离。

4."You could only make four pictures, and then you were in the top bracket, " Mr. Reagan would say.“你只能拍四部影片,然后就到顶了”,里根先生会这么说。

5.Their aim was to devise a strategy that would guarantee Ronald Reagan's resounding reelection to a second term in the White House.他们的目标是制定出一套策略,以确保罗纳德·里根再次当选总统,入主白宫。

6.In a recent book to mark the 100th anniversary of his father's birth, he said Reagan showed signs of Alzheimer's in office.最近在一本纪念里根总统诞辰100周年的书中,罗恩称父亲担任总统期间就显示出老年痴呆症的迹象。

7.Finally, about that narrative: It's instructive to compare Mr. Obama's rhetorical stance on the economy with that of Ronald Reagan.最后,比较里根总统和奥巴马总统在经济上的立场是有益的。

8.When Reagan just came into power, what he had done was the same to Carter's in his initial stage.里根刚上台时的做法跟执政初期的卡特毫无二致。

9."If he took down the Wall, " Reagan told an aide after returning from Berpn, "he'd win the Nobel Prize. "从柏林回来的路上,里根对助手说,“若戈尔巴乔夫能推倒掉柏林墙,那诺贝尔和平就是他的了。”

10.Reagan was a great storyteller, and after eight years in the White House he had some good ones I wanted to hear.里根很会讲故事,而且由于在白宫当了八年总统,他有很多我想听的好故事。