




1.真的很热 Really Useful 真正好;真好用 really hot 真的很热 Really Loves 真爱 ...

2.真热 (带雨伞) ?bring,umbrella (真热) really hot (玩得开心) great time ...

3.不是一般热 ... 57. A Safe Ad 万无一失的广告 58. Really Hot 不是一般热 59. Secret to Long Life 长寿的秘 …

4.打的好 ... Looking forward to 期待 Really hot (球)打的好 Showed a lot of character 互相鼓励并努力 ...

5.确实热门 ... 51 be honoured for 因…而受到尊敬 53 really hot 确实热门 54 show a lot of character 表现出很多品质 ...

6.白贤真的很火辣 ... final fantasyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 灿烈烈烈烈烈烈烈烈>< BaekHyun is really hot 白贤真的

7.很好我不知道。”,随即老尼尔森解释说:“有时候球队状态很好(really hot),但有时候却始终无法打出应有水平,这很难解释。”


1.Turned itself inside out, saw her mother spghtly red forehead, I touched a bit, really hot!翻了个身,只见妈妈额头微微发红,我摸了一下,真烫!

2.The sea water is all that's really hot mouth, knowing you don't regret. Happy New Year, everyday joyful!大海啊全是水,蜘蛛啊全是腿,辣椒啊真辣嘴,认识你啊不后悔。祝新年快乐,天天开怀合不拢嘴!

3.And I went out there and made it to the Big East which was, sort of, the championship race at the end of the season, and really, really hot.我就这样一路闯入了“大东部”比赛,就是,类似季末的冠军赛。而且当时非常非常热。

4.If you meet a really hot foreign guy and end up in bed together, don't be surprised if he's uncut.如果恰巧碰见一个外国人跟他上床了,不要惊奇他没进行割礼。

5.He's a superstar in Asia. He's on that billboard ad for some cellphone. Don't you think he is really hot. I love his eyes.他是亚洲巨星。那个广告牌上的手机广告。他真帅。我太喜欢他的眼睛了。

6.The popce say they'll make it really hot for Barry if they catch him a second time driving his car without tax.警方说,如果他们第二次抓住马里没有交纳牌照税,他们将会让他不好过的。

7.Colours of school uniforms might not reflect the sun. There for, it would get really hot in the summer time.校服的颜色也不见得能反射阳光,因此穿着它感觉特别热,汗流浃背。

8.If the "I'm getting really hot" signals keep coming from her, now touch and kiss her breasts gently through her bra.如果“我好热”这个信号一直在重复,现在穿过乳罩抚摸并亲吻她的乳房。

9.I was just at the bank. There was this really hot teller.我刚才去银行有个很辣的行员

10.And there was one point during the journey when I panicked because the bus got really hot inside, really fast.还有一次,我真的是感到有点恐慌了,因为那时车中很热,司机又开得很快。