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第三人称单数:reaps  现在分词:reaping  过去式:reaped  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.reap harvest,reap benefit





v.1.to cut and gather a crop such as wheat2.to get something as a result of something that you do

1.收割 harvest,harvesting 收获 reaping 收割 to pick 采摘 ...

2.收获. 节日(hopday)/harvest n. 收获(reaping) 6 B inherently adv. 天生地,固有地(intrinsically)/consultant n. 顾问(advisor)/sp...

3.收割之月 ... Death/ 收割者 reaping/ 灵魂收割 rage_gain/ 愤怒吸取 ...

5.收割攻击 Lv.05 Harvest 收割攻击. Lv.08 Reaping 收割攻击. Lv.08 Trauma 收割攻击. ...

6.收割日, alone( 单独 景 , 一人) ; 她在“刈麦reaping) ” 在“收割并捆起 。 麦子( cuts and binds the grain) ” 诗中这些日 …


1.And I think part of what we're seeing in the music business, the record industry is reaping its own karmic rewards, you know.我认为,在音乐领域我们看到的部分,你知道唱片产业正在收获自身的回报。

2.After speaking to Sparks, it seems I would not be reaping the rewards for the emotional investments I made earper in pfe if I didn't go.与斯帕克斯谈话之后,看来如果我不去参加这一聚会的话,我就无法获得年轻时感情投资的回报。

3.So you knew I was an exacting person, taking up what I did not lay down and reaping what I did not sow!你不是知道我是个严厉的人,没有存放的,也要提取;没有下种的,也要收割的吗?

4.Stone then lauded him with a rhetorical question: "Where would Russia be if it weren't reaping the benefits of a free democracy? "接着,莎朗•斯通问了他一个问题以示对他表示称赞:“如果俄罗斯未能走上自由民主之路,它将何去何从?”

5.The 50 Chery hybrid electric vehicles that have been put into operation in Beijing for a week are reaping praise from cabbies.奇瑞公司推出的50辆油电混合出租车已在北京投入运营一周。

6.For two years now there has been famine in the land, and for the next five years there will not be plowing and reaping.现在这地的饥荒已经二年了,还有五年不能耕种,不能收成。

7.Lloyds TSB has also been able to close one of its 11 manned call centres, reaping "very attractive" cost savings, says Ms Jones-Evans.Jones-Evans.女士声称,LloydsTSB同样因此得以关闭其11个人工呼叫中心中的一个,这又能带来“极有吸引力”的成本节约。

8.During the depths of the downturn, he asked his U. S. salespeople to fan out and find new cpents, and is now reaping some of the benefits.在低迷最深重的时期,他要求美国的销售人员四面出击、寻找新的客户,如今这些措施取得了一定的成效。

9.Therefore, the rice harvester is an ideal human power reaping apparatus used for reaping rice.因此,它是用于水稻收割的较为理想的人力收割器具。

10.It was good to see her finally reaping the benefits of all her hard work.看到她终于收获辛勤劳动的成果令人欣慰。