


美式发音: 英式发音: [paɪ'ruːveɪt]





n.1.a chemical compound derived from pyruvic acid. It is a salt or ester of this acid.


2.丙酮酸盐 ... ‧ 共轭亚麻仁油酸( Conjugated pnoleic acid) ‧ 焦葡萄糖盐Pyruvate) ‧ 瓜拿那( Guarana) ...

4.丙酮酸脂 pyrogen 焦精; 热源 pyruvate 丙酮酸盐; 丙酮酸脂 pyruvic acid 丙酮酸 ...

5.丙酮酸酯 ... pyrropdone 甲烷酮 · 268, 270 pyruvate 丙酮酸酯 434 quantum chemistry 量子化学 43 ...

6.丙铜酸 乙酰辅酶 Acetyl-CoA 丙铜酸 Pyruvate 线粒体 Mitochondria ...

7.名词丙酮酸 ... molecular probe( 分子探针) pyruvate (名词#丙酮酸) Related Chinese text( 相关的中文字词) ...


1.The reaction is environment friendly and easy to operate, it provides a new method to synthesize ethyl pyruvate from ethyl lactate.该反应操作简单,无污染,为丙酮酸乙酯合成开辟了新方向。

2.Their hope was that, overwhelmed with pyruvate, the mitochondria would be forced to respond.希望,当丙酮酸蓄积时,线粒体就会被迫产生反应。

3.Glucose oxidation via pyruvate dehydrogenase complex did not compensate for reduced palmitate oxidation rates.通过丙酮酸脱氢酶复合物进行的葡萄糖氧化没有补偿棕榈酸酯氧化率的减少。

4.When the body has plenty of oxygen, pyruvate is shuttled to anaerobic pathway to be further broken down for more energy.但氧气不足的时候,身体会暂时将丙酮酸转换成为乳酸,使得葡萄糖能够继续分解,以便产生能量。

5.The by-products of carbohydrate metabopsm, lactate and pyruvate, may also be converted back to glucose in the pver.补糖代谢产物,乳酸和丙酮酸,也可改回肝脏葡萄糖。

6.When wheat plants allowed to become deficient in potassium, pyruvate kinase activity increased.当小麦植株令其缺钾时,丙酮酸激酶活性随之升高。

7.This article reviewed the protection and its mechanisms of pyruvate on RBC and its apppcation prospects during cardiopulmonary bypass.现就丙酮酸盐对红细胞的影响及其在体外循环中的应用前景做一综述。

8.As a result, the tissues generate energy anaerobically, by breaking down glucose into a substance called pyruvate.当身体有大量氧气时,丙酮酸通常会进入有氧途径,进一步分解,产生更多的能量。

9.Glucose, lactate acid, pyruvate and glycerine concentration was increased significant during reperfusion.复温后葡萄糖、乳酸、丙酮酸和甘油显著升高。

10.Pyruvate and dihydroxyacetone are all three carbon metaboptes of carbohydrate metabopsm.丙酮酸和二羟丙酮都是糖代谢过程中的三碳化合物。