


美式发音: [ˌri:ə'ses] 英式发音: [ˌri:ə'ses]





v.reconsider,review,re-examine,think again,check



1.~ sth重新考虑;再次评价to think again about sth to decide if you need to change your opinion of it


1.再评价 displace 移置,替换 reassess 再评价 nurture 养育,养成,教育 ...

2.重新评价 mark-to-market 盯市 reassess 重新评价 forward contracts 远期合约 ...

3.重新评估略的灵验之处——以不断反馈回来的实用效果为例;R:重新评估(Reassess)学生的成绩,检验采用这种策略的成果;S:加 …

4.再评估 ... irritating:a. 令人不愉快的,恼人的,烦恼的 reassess:v. 对„再估价,再确定„的金额 teasing:n. 戏弄,逗弄, …

6.再次评估 Bribe 贿赂 Reassess 再次评估 Dignity 尊严;高尚 ...

7.重新考虑评估  然而,根据美联社当天的消息称,刘醇逸在侯佳被捕后表示,他将重新考虑评估(reassess)是否参与2013年市长一职竞选。(李? …


1.As you think about this, evaluate the relationship between your work and identity, and reassess how your pfe work brings praise to God.当你思想此事时,请考虑你的工作和你的身分有什么关系,并重新评估你人生的工作如何能把赞美归给神。

2.So for a year I said I would keep quiet, and then on my birthday I would reassess what I had learned and maybe I would talk again.于是我决定一年里都保持沉默,在我下一年生日的当天,我会再次评估我所学到的,然后也许我会再次开口说话。

3.Roche said if it identified a scientific breakthrough in HIV outside of its labs, it would reassess its involvement with the area.但罗氏表示,如果确定在其实验室以外的艾滋病研究有了科学上的突破,则将重新评估是否要介入该领域。

4.This might be a good time to reassess your long-term career goals and determine what kind of changes would work best for you.这或许是一个可以对您的长期职业目标进行重新评估并决定什么样的变迁最适合您的好时机。

5.He said they would reassess counter-terrorist measures and continue the fight against terrorist organization PKK with determinism.埃尔多安说,他们会重新评估各项反恐措施,继续坚定地打击库尔德工人党恐怖组织。

6.You know it is time to reassess your relationship with your computer when.当发生下列事情时,你就该明白应重新衡量你和你的电脑的关系了。

7.Reputational damage is one of several factors that have prompted some foreign groups to quietly reassess their China strategy.有几项因素已促使部分外国集团悄然重估其中国战略,声誉损失便是其中之一。

8.Reassess your pfe. Joblessness allows you to reconsider your work situation, as well as other aspects of your pfe.重新评估生活。没有工作可以让你去考虑工作处境,以及生活中其它方面。

9.After the terrifying event in Canada, when a young man almost dies during a treatment, Dimitri is forced to reassess what he's doing.后来在加拿大发生了可怕的事件,一个年轻人在治疗中几乎死去,迪米特里不得不重新审视自己在做什么。

10.Honda suspended Monday operations at four of its five domestic plants and said it will reassess the situation Tuesday.本田公司五家日本工厂中的四家周一暂停运营,该公司称它周二将对形势作出评估。