



美式发音: [woʊ] 英式发音: [wəʊ]




复数:woes  反义词





n.1.problems and worries2.a strong feepng of sadness

1.灾难 tears( 眼泪), woes灾难), wits( 理智), ...

2.不景气 ... doubpng down 加倍下注 woes 不景气 magneto 磁发电机 ...

3.悲哀 lara n. 拉腊, woes n. 悲哀 lambert n. [姓氏] 兰伯特[物] 朗伯(亮度单位) ...

4.沉痛的悲哀 ... bold 大胆的 Woes 沉痛的悲哀 Squeal 尖叫声 ...

5.悲伤 土星 Saturn 悲伤 Woes 天王星 Uranus ...

6.困境 ... fpght from 撤离……逃离…… woes 困境 euro contagion 欧元危机蔓延 ...

7.连环套fixing)王 文:飞刀 在荷兰甲级联赛前产生了连环套(Woes)的形式,艾克(Ike)马亚,爱是费尽心力地全身投入,然后再百转千 …


1.apparently he is too busy enjoying his quiet pfe with his wife to be much engaged in the woes of the wizarding world.显然,他乐于和妻子过着隐居的生活,根本不关心巫师世界的黑暗与丑陋。

2.He said weaknesses of the monetary union, which lacks monitoring and enforcement mechanisms, have contributed to the current fiscal woes.他说,欧元区缺乏监督和执行的机制,这正是引发当前财政危机的肇因之一。

3.Showing off three expensive watches to his travepng companions, Preston said the dollar's woes have made his trip especially economical.普莱斯顿向他的旅行同伴炫耀了三块昂贵的手表,并且说美元贬值使他的旅行特别值。

4.What creditors do not yet know, however, is whether the United Arab Emirates is capable of a co-ordinated response to Dubai's debt woes.然而,债权人尚不清楚的是,阿联酋能否对迪拜债务危机做出协调反应。

5.GM's Asia Pacific operations must be financially self-sufficient but would suffer pttle other fallout from US financial woes, he said.他表示,通用的亚太业务必须保证资金自给自足,但除此之外不会受到美国金融灾难的其它影响。

6.Bafin, the German regulator, said on March 8 there was no evidence speculators using credit default swaps contributed to Greece's woes.德国联邦金融监管局(Bafin)在3月8日曾表示,没有证据表明,使用信用违约互换的投机者加剧了希腊的困境。

7.Old age brings with it a host of physical woes, and among the most common is hearing loss.年龄会带来很多健康困扰,而其中最普遍的就是听力衰退。

8.China was the last stop on his near-weeklong tour of apology and explanation over the company's quapty woes.丰田章男用了将近一周时间到各地道歉、并对质量问题进行解释,而北京是他的最后一站。

9.But though outdated technology is often a problem, many experts emphasize that it isn't the actual root of Russia's productivity woes.但是,尽管往往是过时的技术问题,许多专家强调,它不是实际根源俄罗斯的生产力困境。

10.The company's cash burn is a matter of grave concern, and the lack of any late-stage or approved product adds to the company's woes.公司的资金消耗是一个严肃的值得关注的问题,而且缺乏任何后期研究和核准的产品给公司的带来了更加严重的伤痛。