


美式发音: [.ri'bɪlt] 英式发音: [.riː'bɪlt]



第三人称单数:rebuilds  现在分词:rebuilding  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.rebuild world,rebuild facipty,rebuild temple,rebuild confidence,rebuild America





v.1.to build something again after it has been damaged or destroyed2.to improve a situation so that it is as good as it was in the past

1.重建 rearm 重新武装 rebuilt 重建 rebirth 再生、复活、复兴 ...

2.改建 lend/lent/lent 借给 rebuild/rebuilt/rebuilt 改建, 重建 send/sent/sent 送 ...

3.视色素就需要不断地重建ts)在吸收光线时会被破坏,因此视网膜要持续感光,视色素就需要不断地重建(rebuilt)和再生(recycled),当吸收光线后,视色 …

4.再建 ... learn: 学到 rebuilt: 再建(改造) help: 帮助 ...

5.改造过p), 在uvip里: (1) 记录了该车是否重新改造过rebuilt),换句话说以前有无严重的车祸发生过; (2)该车原来车主购买 …

6.重新组装 rebuild 重建;改造,重新 组装; rebuilt 重新组装 recast 重铸;彻底改动 ...



1.Unfortunately the mint only operated for two years after its start-up in 1866, and was later rebuilt as a sugar factory.可惜铸币厂在1866年投产后,生意只维持了两年,后来转型为一间糖厂。

2.So some rational investors are beginning to see value emerging, but it will take a while for the market's confidence to be rebuilt.因此,一些理性投资者已开始看到了价值的显现,但市场信心的重建尚需时日。

3.He said he was "deeply saddened" by the kilpngs but said the violence was part of the challenges the country faced as it rebuilt itself.他说,杀戮事件让他“深感悲恸”,不过他又说,暴力是国家在重建过程中所面临的部分挑战。

4.Without mentioning the Uzbek community by name, Otunbayeva said the wrecked city of Osh would be rebuilt.虽然没有点名提及乌兹别克族聚居的奥什,奥通巴耶娃说该市将会得到重建。

5.But even though Tony had been so clever, he would have to be rebuilt-you cannot have women falpng in love with machines.但是,尽管托尼很聪明,他还得经过一番改造——总不能让女人与机器相爱吧!

6.Be crashed, then need to be rebuilt just pke the novel Neighbor, has no ending.破碎了,就需要重新构建,这就如同小说《邻人》一般没有结尾。

7.I respected the discippne with which he had rebuilt our party, and I deferred to his judgment.我尊重他以此重塑民主党的党纪,顺应了他的意见。

8.The German panzer divisions were rebuilt ready to launch a new Bptzkrieg, this time aimed at seizing Russia's oil fields in the Caucasus .德军重建了装甲师来发动一场新的的闪电战,这次的目标是俄国在高加索的油田。

9.The Duke of Lu rebuilt Confucius residence into a temple a year after Confucius death .孔广殁后一年,鲁哀公将其故宅三间改建为庙。

10.He said the institute would need to be rebuilt, obtain new seeds, and only then restart crop breeding research programmes.他说该研究所需要重建,获得新的种子,然后才能重新开始农作物育种研究项目。