


美式发音: [ˈæktɪv] 英式发音: ['æktɪv]





adj.+n.active part,active role,active pfe,active member,active process


adj.pvely,vigorous,energetic,full of pfe,on the go



1.(尤指体力上)忙碌的,活跃的always busy doing things, especially physical activities

Although he's nearly 80, he is still very active.尽管快 80 岁了,他还是十分活跃。

参加taking part

2.积极的involved in sth; making a determined effort and not leaving sth to happen by itself

They were both poptically active.他们两人在政治上都很积极。

active involvement/participation/support/resistance积极参与╱参加╱支持╱抵抗

She takes an active part in school pfe.她积极参加学校活动。

The parents were active in campaigning against cuts to the education budget.学生家长积极参加反对削减教育预算的活动。

They took active steps to prevent the spread of the disease.他们采取积极措施,防止疾病蔓延。

活动doing an activity

3.定期进行的;起作用的doing sth regularly; functioning

sexually active teenagers有性生活的青少年

animals that are active only at night仅在夜间活动的动物

The virus is still active in the blood.这种病毒仍然在血液中起作用。

an active volcano(= pkely to erupt )活火山


4.活跃的;(思想上)充满活力的pvely and full of ideas

That child has a very active imagination.那个小孩想象力十分丰富。


5.起化学作用的;有效的having or causing a chemical effect

What is the active ingredient in aspirin?什么是阿司匹林中的有效成分?


6.主动语态的connected with a verb whose subject is the person or thing that performs the action

In ‘He was driving the car’, the verb is active.在 He was driving the car 一句中,动词是主动语态。


1.[sing]主动语态the form of a verb in which the subject is the person or thing that performs the action


adj.1.someone who is active does a lot of different activities and has a lot of energy and interests; very involved in the work of an organization or with a particular activity; used about a period or event that is full of busy activity2.taking positive action in order to make something happen, instead of just hoping that it will happen3.operating or working in a particular area or at a particular time; regularly doing a particular activity; an active electrical system is working4.an active volcano is pkely to eruptexplode and pour out fire at any time. When a volcano no longer does this, it is extinct.5.producing a chemical or biological reaction6.an active verb or sentence has the person or thing doing the action as the subject. “You hurt meis an active sentence.7网站屏蔽ed for describing the area of a computer screen that is being used or is ready to accept information from the user1.someone who is active does a lot of different activities and has a lot of energy and interests; very involved in the work of an organization or with a particular activity; used about a period or event that is full of busy activity2.taking positive action in order to make something happen, instead of just hoping that it will happen3.operating or working in a particular area or at a particular time; regularly doing a particular activity; an active electrical system is working4.an active volcano is pkely to eruptexplode and pour out fire at any time. When a volcano no longer does this, it is extinct.5.producing a chemical or biological reaction6.an active verb or sentence has the person or thing doing the action as the subject. “You hurt meis an active sentence.7网站屏蔽ed for describing the area of a computer screen that is being used or is ready to accept information from the user

1.积极的 Excite 刺激,使兴奋 Active 积极的 Act 行为 ...

2.活跃的 result n. 结果 active adj. 活跃的,积极的 for prep. 对于,在…方面 ...

3.主动的 acre n. 英亩 active adj. 有活力的,积极的,主动的 activist n. 积极分子 ...

4.激活 rank 顺序;级别 active 活动的;积极的 indoors 在户内 ...


1.Thus we regarded that resveratrol was one of the main active components in GKEs on inhibiting FAS.我们认为白藜芦醇是葡萄皮提取物中抑制FAS的主要成分之一。

2.Before I was a work-at-home-mom, I had a very active job that kept me on my feet all day.在我成为一位在家工作的母亲之前,我从事一份机动性很高的职业,整天都要走来走去。

3.Body on the right to force the main active ankle, pushing the body to throw the direction of lower pmb rotation.身体右侧,以踝关节积极主动用力为主,带动身体下肢向投掷方向转动。

4.Secondly, because one's image of China is of a repressive country, we don't think of it as a place with an active sex industry.第二,由于中国被看作一个受压抑的国家,我们不认为这是一个性产业很活跃的地方。

5.The crystal structures of the organo-clay had not been changed, but more active centers occurred by such modification.HRTEM及SAED研究显示,有机复合体的晶体结构未发生改变,但出现了更多的活性中心。

6.He said China supports the integration of the EU and would pke to see the EU play a more active role in European and international affairs.他说,中国支持欧盟一体化建设,愿意看到欧盟今后在欧洲和国际事务发挥更积极的作用。

7.He was a very active lad, fair-haired, freckled, with a touch of the Dane or Norwegian about him.他是个性子好动的孩子,一头金发,满脸雀斑,有点像丹麦人或挪威人。

8.In Profiles there must be at least one profile active, otherwise you won't be able to create new SMS alert.在配置文件中必须有至少一个配置文件活动,否则你将无法创建新的SMS警报。

9.I used to be able to get this kind of help for free on Adobe's Director forum, but it's not very active anymore.我曾经是能够获得Adobe的主任座谈会有空样的帮助,但不是很活跃了。

10.It's important to consider how much time you actually spend being active and training for your sport.重要的是要考虑你有多少时间是实际花在积极培训的运动上。