




1.重新编码mpute):变量变换等 、 ) 变量变换等 4、重新赋值Recode ):划分组段 、重新赋值( 划分组段 5、均数(Means) 、均数…

3.重编码 Pixel: 像元 Recode: 重编码 Spatial accuracy: 空间准确度; ...

4.分类重编码 3.去除分析 epminate 4.分类重编码 recode 1.坡度分析 slope ...

5.再编码 ... Go to Case 定位样品 Recode 再编码 General Linear Model 一般线性模型 ...

6.对变量值重新编码 ... Create Times Series 创建时间序列变量; Recode 对变量值重新编码; Replace Missing Values 创建替代缺失值 …

7.重新译码xport)、档案的合并(Merge file)、重新译码(Recode)、资料转换(Transform)、档案分割(sppt file)、特定条件的筛选(Select cas…



1.This way, as new releases are designed, others who will recode a module or apppcation will be able to see into what was previously done.新程序设计好以后,修改代码和模块的人能够看到之前都做了些什么。

2.The fact is, things change and if we wanted to move this server to another ORB we would not want to have to recode our server.实际情况可能不是这样;如果我们要把这个服务器移到另一个ORB,不希望为服务器重新编码。

3.Crashes and startup problems of PHP may be encountered when loading this extension in conjunction with the recode extension.当同时加在本扩展库和recode扩展库时PHP可能会崩溃。

4.The Book of Song Dynasty, written by Shen Yue, is the most integrated history recode of Song Dynasty which is now available.《宋书》是现存的关于刘宋记载最为完整的一部史书,作者沈约。

5.This awakening will sequentially recode the 12 Golden Sun Disc around the planet.这苏醒将继而重新编码地球上的12个【黄金太阳圆碟】。

6.The Linux tool named "recode" supports the conversion of files between different character sets.Linux工具“recode”支持在不同字符集之间进行文件转换。

7.They intend to recode E. cop completely, epminating the redundant codons.他们想对大肠杆菌完全地重编码,减少基码冗余。

8.This event will recode the crystalpne energy of both the planet and humanity.这个事件会将地球和人类的水晶能量重新编码。

9.Nero Recode 2 will automatically fit the video quapty to the playback possibipties of the PSP.NeroRecode2会自动调整视频质量,以适合PSP播放。

10.See the recode extension for more information.更多信息见recode扩展库。