




1.红色按钮apa兼容版本,这些软件包能够分别实现互动式 “红色按钮” (red button) 信息服务、标清 (SD) 和高清 (HD) 频道解码,以及对 …

2.红按钮 ... 红标尺 red gauge 红按钮 red button 黑按钮 black button ...

3.红色紧急按钮前接收的是电视广播节目,则在屏幕右下角自动显示一个红色按钮图标RED BUTTON),提示用户按遥控红键可启动该应 …

5.一键优化 ... [系统增强] 一键优化 Red Button 4.1 [健康医药] 医学图像查看器 Ginkgo CADx 2.3.0 ...

6.红键D-Book中已经包含了诸如“红键Red Button)”(编者注:红键是HbbTV的典型应用)和混合电视的一些典型特征。D-Book 7 …

7.停止储存装置O ,Del 停止储存装置 (RED Button)Q 切换输出讯号模式V DTV/AV 切换左右方向键 项目选择Enter ,Ctrl+M 进入选项Tab ,Ctrl+I …


1.It wasn't during the Cold War: the giant red button was all that kept us from nuclear Armageddon.但肯定不是冷战时期,在那个时期,正是大大的红色按钮使我们远离了核战。

2.Sitting in the pits the most obvious thing is that shiny red button down in the corner enticing you to get on the track already.坐在维修站里,最显眼的就是屏幕右下角那个耀眼的红色按钮,让人产生冲上赛道的冲动。

3.To call in a nurse, he has to push a red emergency-call button from his bed. But where is the red button?要叫来护士,他得从床上按一个红色紧急呼叫键。可是红色呼叫键呢?

4.Be thankful that they are ready to have a pttle joke at their own expense and press their own magic red button.感谢他们花钱为自己开了个小玩笑,然后为他们自己的灭亡按下那个神奇的红色按钮。

5.Step completed by a mirror into the lower right corner of the red button for the next step.完成一步按镜子右下角红色按钮进入下一步。

6.For pretty much the whole two years that I worked with him, Michael came in every day wearing black dress pants and a red button-down shirt.和他工作的两年中,大部分时间迈克尔都穿着黑裤子和红色单排扣衬衫。

7.A poptician who mentions the taboo word "formal independence" in Taipei - and in some place in Peking someone might push the red button.只要台北在「正式独立」的禁忌议题上有一个政治上错误的用字,或许在北京就会有人按下红色按钮。

8.All it has is just the number that moves up or down and that red button that says, "Stop. "都有标明向上或向下的数字还有一个红色按钮,上写着,“停。”

9.If you press the red button near the bottom it will activate the washing machine .按靠近底部的红色按钮,就会启动洗衣机。

10.All they had was just a monitor in front of them that had the numbers on it and just a red button that said, "Stop. "他们就是看着面前的屏幕上的数字和一个红色按钮上面写着,“停。”