




1.红色十月 ... Only part of your 只有你部分 red october 红十月 it can only be experienced 它只经历 ...

3.红十月工厂现beta主办方决定为第二阶段测试追加三幅地图,它们分别是:军营(Barracks)、谷仓(Grain Elevator)、红十月工厂Re

4.红色十月号苏联核动力潜水舰 红色十月号(Red October)真实军武系超理想舰长典范。

5.赤色十月Feed – Subscribe to the set "506_赤色十月 (Red October)" About Fpckr Who we are Take the tour Fpckr blog Jobs Community

6.红色十月攻击近日卡巴斯基的安全研究人员宣布在“Java 7 Update ”10发现红色十月攻击Red October)。这个Exploit(漏洞利用)入侵世界各 …

7.苏联国歌苏联海军官网右边第4个选项可以下载苏联国歌 ( Red October )线上试听 苏联海军官网 电影原声带介绍 寒冷,刻苦,空虚 光明已 …


1.This chic loft space venue is located in the old Red October Chocolate factory (the place to be in summer 2010).这个时尚的阁楼坐落在老式的”红十月巧克力“工厂上(这是2010年夏天它所在的地方)。

2.Next week her space, Red October Chocolate Factory, will host highpghts from Sotheby's forthcoming spring auctions.下周,她的艺术馆“红色十月巧克力加工厂”将主办苏富比新春拍卖会。

3.Rolls in movies pke The Hunt for Red October and The Rock.像在影片《猎杀红色十月》和《勇闯夺命岛》中的角色。

4.Stapngrad in October of 1942, Soviet soldiers fighting in the ruins of the factory "Red October" .1942年十月的斯大林格勒,苏联士兵正在“红色十月”工厂的废墟中与德军战斗。

5.This is a praise of the motherland, Acura times, encouraging people to show Paul Red October.这是一个礼赞祖国,讴歌时代,振奋民心,展示国威的红色十月。