


美式发音: [rɪ'di:mə(r)] 英式发音: [rɪ'di:mə(r)]






1.救世主;耶稣基督Jesus Christ


n.1.somebody who redeems somebody or something, especially somebody who rescues another2.Jesus Christ regarded as the savior of humanity through his death on the Cross

1.救赎者 TO BE CONTINUED 待续 MadnessCombat2_Redeemer 救世主 MadnessCombat3_Avenger 复仇者 ...

3.救赎主 redeemable 可赎回的 redeemer 买回者 redeeming feature 可取之处 ...

5.救主 Redeemer 挽救者,救赎者,在西方宗教里面,指的是救世主,耶稣基督。 Redemption 赎罪,救赎。 ...


8.神是救赎者 ... 神是供应者( Sustainer) 神是救赎者Redeemer) 神是完成者( Consummator) ...


1.In such battles, only fire will purge the enemy form his nest. In such a battle was the Land Raider Redeemer created.在这种战斗中,火焰是将敌人赶出巢穴的唯一办法,正因如此,救赎者级兰德掠袭者出现了。

2.His second church was Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, which he started in 1989 with his wife, Kathy, and three young sons.他的第二个教会是和他的妻子Kathy、以及三个年轻的儿子共同于1989年在曼哈顿建立的救赎主长老会。

3.None of these things mentioned previously are what makes the Redeemer such a great unit.上面提到的所有东西都不是使救赎者成为强大单位的原因。

4.You could get bags right out of the trash cans or from people at the redeemer after they were done cashing in.你能在垃圾桶外见到几袋子,或者从那些卖易拉罐人那里得到一些。

5.If the value of the currency relative to gold has increased, the redeemer receives more than one ounce of gold. Seignorage did not occur.如果货币相对于金子的价值增加了,该兑换者就会得到多于一盎司的金子。此时铸币税未产生。

6.However, the Redeemer is only able to garrison two infantry in it to upgrade itself.不过,救赎者只能进驻两组步兵来升级游戏玩家你自己。

7.The abipty of man's fallen mind to turn back from its captivity to Satan is rooted in the promise of a Redeemer.那提拔人类堕落的心意使之转离撒旦奴役的能力,乃是深植于赐下救赎主的应许。

8.Remember that you are meeting with the Creator, the Maker of heaven and earth, the Redeemer of men.要记得你面对的是创造的主,天地的创造者,人类的救赎者。

9.It was in his lonepness and exile John had the glorious vision of his Redeemer.拔摩海岛上的约翰,在孤单凄凉中得见主荣耀的异象。

10.One of my favorite pictures of the month is from our visit one night to Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.其中我最喜欢的一张是一天晚上我们去到巴西里约热内卢的基督救世主雕像时拍摄的照片。