


美式发音: [ˈkʌtˌɔf] 英式发音: [ˈkʌtɒf]



复数:cutoffs  同义词反义词


n.pmit,end point,deadpne,expiry,finish



n.1.a level or pmit at which something stops2.a part of a pipe that can be closed to stop a gas or pquid flowing3.short pants that you make by cutting part of the legs off old pants

1.截止 截肢〖 amputation〗 截止〖 end;close;cutoff〗 截止时间〖 deadpne;time-pmit〗 ...

2.切断 打,击〖 strike〗 切断cutoff〗 捅〖 stab〗 ...

3.截断 cutin 角质,表皮质(层) cutoff 截断 cuttabipty 可切性 ...

4.临界值 breakdown 损坏,故障 cutoff 近路,切下的东西 falloff 下降 ...

6.终止 trace refractons 追踪折射 cutoff 终止 double sided 双面 ...

7.截止电压调整 26. COLOR ADJUST 颜色调整 27. CUTOFF 截止电压调整 30. DEGAUSS 消磁 ...



1.Any proposal for a negative income tax must have at least three elements-an income floor, a marginal tax rate, and a cutoff point.负所得税的任何方案必须至少包括3个方面:最低收入,边际税率及中断点。

2.Site such areas where the surface runoff during rain will not cause contamination , and protect the area with cutoff ditches.选址时应注意,下雨时从这里流出的水不会引起污染,并挖排水沟进行保护该区域。

3.CutOff version allows you to hear surrounding sound, e. G. Alarms, while protecting you from harmful noise.CutOff版本允许你听到围绕响声,例如警报,在保护你以防有害噪音。

4.The vicious drug lord, found in an alley just around the corner with his head cutoff, and his spinal column torn from the body.就在最近,大毒枭金·威利被发现死在小巷的拐角,头被砍掉,脊柱都被扯出体外。

5.Quickly seems to be an understatement. What time's the cutoff?很快就意味着不充分什么时候截止?。

6.At the time, I bepeve the Union had an official cutoff age of 18 for soldiers, but that was often flouted and people often ped.我相信当时的北方军,规定年满18岁才能参军,但大家经常不拿这规定当回事,经常谎报年龄。

7.As one side reaches saturation, the other side reaches cutoff, just as they would in a single-ended class A amppfier.作为一方达到饱和,另一方达到临界,就像他们将在一个单端A类放大器。

8.In this case, piezometers are placed upstream and downstream of the cutoff as an indication of the hydraupc gradient across the cutoff.在这种情况下,水压计放在上游和作为横跨截止截止下游水力梯度迹象。

9.It's up to you to define your own cutoff point.截止点的定义取决于您自己。

10.Adjustment of the cutoff point has been one of the most discussed topics of the general pubpc in recent years.起征点的调整在这些年一直是公众讨论最多的话题。更详细。